Penelope Wilson
The shock waves of last week’s storm are still rippling through Island fields as farmers anxiously watch their crops to see the extent of the damage.
Hurricanes and Storms
Hurricane Bob
Rachel Orr
Usually the brush is so think this time of year one can hardly bushwhack from the shore to the remnants of the Menemsha Hills brickworks.
Hurricanes and Storms
Hurricane Bob
Beach grass


The storm of Saturday was very severe. We fear that we are yet to hear of much serious loss. The ship Maritana, Williams, of Providence, from Liverpool, with a valuable cargo and 14 passengers, struck on Egg Rock, off Hull, about midnight. About 7 A.M. the ship broke in two suddenly, and immediately went to pieces. The captain was instantly killed, and 21 others also perished. Thirteen were saved; nine of them by Samuel James, of Hull, in a dory, alone.


The gale of the 10th inst, was very severe at Holmes Hole. Some thirteen vessels were driven ashore there, They were, with few exceptions, but slightly damaged, and most of them will be easily got off after discharging. Some two or three only have bilged.



We hardly need remind our readers of the gale which occurred on Saturday night last; it was palpable enough to fix itself in memory for some tine to come. It is only necessary for us to say that it has rarely, if ever, been surpassed in violence by any occurring: in this region.
In New York the storm was very severe - houses and churches were blown down, vessels were driven from their quays, the trees in the
streets, squares and parks were torn up by the roots, liberty poles, &c. &c., were prostrated before the breath of the storm.


On Tuesday night it blew a violent gale from the southeast, for about ten hours. The U. States schr. Gallatin in attempt­ing to get to the wharf, was driven on shore; her tender, the Gazelle, was driven high and dry upon the beach, and nearly all the copper on her starboard side washed off. The smack Bruce, in coming into the harbor, dropt her an­chor, but as we understand did not have her cable secured, and consequently, went ashore between Coffin’s and Commercial wharf. She got off without much damage, yesterday.
