Bruce Brooks
The firm, flat fields of Katama, the so-called Great Plain - what use could the energetic men of the 1920’s make of the stretching monotony to fully exploit its, well, its...evenness?


A painstaking hand recount supervised by the Edgartown town clerk Monday found the vote for a new Katama Airfield hangar was a tie.

Funding for a new airplane hangar at the Katama Airfield, narrowly defeated at the Edgartown town election April 12, will be subject to a recount.

A long-planned replacement of the World War II-era airplane hangar at the Katama Airfield is slated to come before Edgartown voters in the spring.


Following a summer of tension at the airfield, the Edgartown selectmen and members of the airport commission agreed to open a new chapter.

There have been tensions at the airfield this summer, with town officials looking into whether the field is properly managed.

The old hangar at Katama airfield, dating to World War II and long in a state of disrepair, is expected to be replaced after years of delays. Construction could begin before summer.
