Six sea turtles have washed up on Vineyard shores this season as water temperatures around the region begin to drop.
The turtle, discovered by a Chappaquiddick homeowner on Sept. 26, was heavily decomposed, but could have died by a ship strike.
Island scientists are trying to find out why the three sea turtles have washed up on Vineyard beaches so far this summer.
A dead loggerhead sea turtle washed ashore near Zack’s Cliffs in Aquinnah on June 17, the first across the Cape and Islands in 2024.
A juvenile, cold-stunned Kemp’s ridley sea turtle is on the road to recovery Friday after washing up on the Chappaquiddick side of Norton Point Beach Thursday morning.
A spate of sea turtle strandings occurred on or around the Vineyard this weekend, including two dead turtles that washed up on Island beaches.