Bruce Brooks
Nuzzling the shoreline with the curiosity and daring that made its ancestors easy prey for whalers, a young right whale is swimming slowly northward along the East Coast toward Martha’s Vineyard.


Six sea turtles have washed up on Vineyard shores this season as water temperatures around the region begin to drop. 

The turtle, discovered by a Chappaquiddick homeowner on Sept. 26, was heavily decomposed, but could have died by a ship strike.

Island scientists are trying to find out why the three sea turtles have washed up on Vineyard beaches so far this summer.

A dead loggerhead sea turtle washed ashore near Zack’s Cliffs in Aquinnah on June 17, the first across the Cape and Islands in 2024.


A juvenile, cold-stunned Kemp’s ridley sea turtle is on the road to recovery Friday after washing up on the Chappaquiddick side of Norton Point Beach Thursday morning.

A spate of sea turtle strandings occurred on or around the Vineyard this weekend, including two dead turtles that washed up on Island beaches.
