Vineyard Gazette
These troubled times are not the only occasion on which inhabitants of Martha's Vineyard have had difficulty obtaining passage by boat to the mainland.
Vineyard Gazette
The long boat strike came to an end last night after the ratification of an agreement with the unlicensed men closely following the pattern of that previously reached with the licensed men.
Vineyard Gazette
Dealing with the more than 150 years-history of steamboat transportation between the Island and mainland, Mr. Love styled his talk, The Evolution of Operation, Wood Boilers to Gas Turbines. He also brought out the little-known fact that far from being a new idea, the inclusion of Hyannis in the Island boat system was carried out over a long period of years and with a high degree of success.
Steamer history is Vineyard history, even now, for the arrival of the air age has not diminished the necessity of boat service.
Joseph Chase Allen
The new ferryboat Nantucket, hailing (God save the mark!) from New Bedford, stopped briefly at Vineyard Haven on Tuesday – about an hour and a half – to give the people who are paying half the bill an opportunity to see the new boat. Some of them did, but the view was hardly satisfactory, the time being limited and the boat swarming with children taking advantage of the spring vacation from school.
Vineyard Gazette
The new Vineyard ferry Islander arrived at Vineyard Haven yesterday afternoon, greeted with whistles from the Martha’s Vineyard, which lay at the dock, the whistles of the fleet of Taylor’s lighter
Vineyard Gazette
The ferry Islander of the Massachusetts Steamship Lines will make her shake-down cruise on Sunday and begin regular operation Monday, April 15, with four round trips daily between Woods Hole and Vi
Vineyard Gazette
The good ship Chappy, huge freight scow which will this summer transport freight and automobiles over to Chappaquiddick Point and back, was the cynosure of all eyes Sunday, when she steamed all ove
Vineyard Gazette
Beginning Sunday, Nov. 11, the Island steamboat schedule will be changed to eliminate the trips to and from Edgartown.
Vineyard Gazette
Steamer Nantucket was still fast in the sand of Sturgeon Flats this morning, with the prospect that more powerful towing equipment or the aid of a dredger will be needed to get her clear.
Vineyard Gazette
The sale of the Uncatena comes as no great surprise.
Vineyard Gazette
Ferry boat service will link Martha’s Vineyard with the mainland within a few days time, according to an announcement made by Charles S.
