Vineyard Gazette
This issue of the Vineyard Gazette is printed upon a new Duplex flat bed web perfecting press, installation of which was completed this week.
Vineyard Gazette
This is the way the Vineyard Gazette’s new Duplex flat bed web perfecting press appears in the addition to the Gazette office which was built for it recently: The press rests upon a concrete founda
Vineyard Gazette
The Gazette has, since last week’s issue appeared, completely changed its clothes.
Vineyard Gazette
A new printing press is being installed in a new Gazette office.
Printing presses
Linotype image in July 22, 1920 Vineyard Gazette
Vineyard Gazette
The linotype machine ranks with the invention of the printing press itself in importance to the printer of today. And now the Vineyard Gazette has bridged the gap from the old era to the new.
Vineyard Gazette
Vineyard Gazette
The Gazette announces this week the opening of a Vineyard Haven office.  
Vineyard Gazette
Gazette offices
Vineyard Gazette
With this issue of the Gazette the undersigned, after over thirty-two years’ occupancy of its editorial chair, vacates the same, having this week sold the paper and its goodwill to Henry Beetle H
Vineyard Gazette
Vineyard Gazette
Today the Gazette comes before you under a new management.
Vineyard Gazette
Vineyard Gazette
The copartnership heretofore existing under the firm name of KENISTON & JERNEGAN is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All outstanding accounts of the late firm will be settled by Samuel Keniston, its successor.
Vineyard Gazette
Taking into consideration the benefit that would thereby be conferred upon the patrons of the VINEYARD GAZETTE, we have disposed of the property to Messrs.
Vineyard Gazette
Having disposed of the “VINEYARD GAZETTE” established to EDGAR MARCHANT, its former proprietor and founder, we bespeak for him the same cordial support accorded to us during the pleasant five yea
Vineyard Gazette
After an unequal contest of more than four years at the editorial chair of the VINEYARD GAZETTE we resign our duties to other hands.
Vineyard Gazette
