The Steamer Eagle's Wing

The Steamer Eagle's Wing, Capt. Benj. C. Cromwell, now makes four trips per week to New Bedford, instead of three as heretofore. On Monday, she leaves Edgartown at a quarter to 7 o'clock, A.M., and returns the same day, leaving New Bedford at 2 P.M. She leaves again on Tuesday, at the same hour, and returns on Wednesday, leaving New Bedford at 11 o'clock, A.M. She again leaves for New Bedford, on Thursday, and returns on Friday, and finishes up her work for the week by going and returning on Saturday, at the same hours as on Monday.

The Agricultural Hall

The Martha’s Vineyard Agricultural Society have purchased some three acres of land in West Tisbury, of Mrs. Hannah Look, and the Society will shortly erect a building thereon.

Martha’s Vineyard Wesleyan Grove Camp Ground

This religious encampment has become an Institution, there is nothing like it in this country, and it is greatly increasing from year to year. In accordance with the recommendation of the agent of the Grounds, in his annual report, important measures have been adopted at the business meetings. Among the things ordered were the digging of an additional well and the setting out of shade trees. The erection of a two and one half story house has just been completed, under the general supervision of the Agent. The building is in modern style, thoroughly finished and painted 24 feet by 40.

Agricultural Fair and Cattle Show

Wednesday of last week was a great day for the Vineyard. At that time, the first agricultural gathering and display ever attempted on the Island, was successfully held at the Dukes County Academy, in West Tisbury. The exhibition greatly surpassed the warmest hopes of its friends. There was a grand display of the cattle, fruit, vegetables, flowers, pictures, and fancy articles.

The New York Yacht Squadron in the Harbor of Edgartown

A Newport correspondent of the New York Post says: -
“The members of the yacht squadron which arrived here on Monday night from the East gave a funny account of their adventures,” and he goes on to state the particulars of their forming an acquaintance with the ladies of Edgartown, the ball, &c. Being detained by the weather from proceeding to Nahant, and feeling ennui in their protracted stay, they hoped to obtain some relief by reception on shore. We quote as follows: -

Finback and Humpback Whales

Several shoals of fin-back and hump-back whales were seen a day or two since from five to fifteen miles south-east of Noman’s Land, Vineyard Sound. They were in sight nearly all day on Thursday, and were in shoals of about fifteen.

A County Agricultural Society

Allow us to call the attention of your readers to a proposition, emanating from many of our farmers, to join in an effort to form a County Agricultural Society.

County Commissioners’ Court

On Wednesday the Court of County Commissioners for Dukes, met at the Selectmen’s Room in the Town Hall. Hon. Thomas H. Lambert, having taken the customary oath, took his seat with the board. Hon. Benjamin Davis was re-elected Chairman.
The following order was passed and the read by the Clerk: -
Dukes County, ss. In Court of County Commissioners, November Term, by adjournment, to February 3d, 1858.

Frederick Douglass

Frederick Douglas, the colored orator, addressed a very respectable, though not large audience, at the Town Hall, on Saturday evening last, on the Unity of the Races. His arguments in favor of a common origin of mankind were very logical, and doubtless deemed conclusive by the great majority of his hearers. He is a fluent and powerful speaker, and commands uninterrupted attention.


It is very much to be deplored that the subject of slavery in our country has become such a paramount interest in politics, as nearly to drive away from consideration other topics of general political interest, which the welfare of the country demands to be up for discussion. We ought now to take measures to remedy the present financial crisis and business embarrassment, and adopt measures to guard in the future against similar disasters.
