A Newport correspondent of the New York Post says: -
“The members of the yacht squadron which arrived here on Monday night from the East gave a funny account of their adventures,” and he goes on to state the particulars of their forming an acquaintance with the ladies of Edgartown, the ball, &c. Being detained by the weather from proceeding to Nahant, and feeling ennui in their protracted stay, they hoped to obtain some relief by reception on shore. We quote as follows: -
“The preliminary difficulty, that of opening, or in other words ‘scraping’ an acquaintance, was discharged with signal delicacy and tact by a member of the Commodore’s company, a young gentleman will known in the fashionable circles of New York. This individual, spying a middle-aged and well-featured woman seated on shore fishing, took a boat and started for her. On reaching land, with an air of deferential politeness, and making a profound obeisance, he offered the fair fisherwoman an elegantly embroidered stool belonging to the Widgeon, insisting that it troubled his feelings to witness a lady deprived of so important a convenience.
“This of course was the entering wedge of a conversation, in which the woman’s husband, who shortly after came up, joined. A suggestion was advanced, that the yachtsmen would like to become acquainted with the people of the village, and it was asked whether the ladies would be willing to honor with their presence a ball which the yachtsmen might that evening be disposed to give. The fisherwoman replied that she would do what she could to enlist the fair ones favorably to the strangers’ project, and the husband, on his part, agreed to obtain a suitable place for the ball, by introducing the yachtsmen to the Selectmen, who had control of the Town Hall. This being done, a parley was held with those officials, who expressed themselves kindly disposed to the ball, but regretted at great length the increased rent which had been recently resolved upon by the people assembled at the town meeting, and which they feared would stand in the way of the festivities. After being solicited earnestly to state what this enormous sum was which they so hesitated to make known, they announced it to be two dollars and a half a night. The terms were accepted, a piano, probably the only one in the place, was hired for ten dollars, the colors of the squadron brought to decorate the hall, and before night everything was ready for the grand ball given by the yacht squadron of New York to the inhabitants of Edgartown.”
The writer then goes on to narrate that some thirty amateur sailors from the nine yachts in the harbor, arranged themselves in “maritime fixins” and went to the dance, where every thing passed off very agreeably to all parties. On the next day the compliment was returned by an invitation to the squadron to attend a “musical” or singing party. The younger portion of the crews also attended church on the Sabbath by invitation.
We have copied somewhat fully from this correspondence, which perhaps will be somewhat extensively published, because, it is well for the people of Edgartown to know what kind of company they have been entertaining, and, in order that they may be a little chary hereafter about forming sudden acquaintance with strangers, who have little or nothing to recommend them, as in this case, but consummate impudence, and, as we strongly suspect, forged letters to respectable gentlemen. Such characters generally turn out to be better dancers, harder drinkers, and more abominable liars, than any other class of men. It is true, that some favorable presumption might have been formed from the crews of pleasure yachts bailing from our great commercial metropolis, and, therefore, the mistake as to their being gentlemen has some little excuse. We are, perhaps, to make some allowance for the correspondence, as the composition of a newspaper reporter, gladly clutching at anything which would give spice to his letter, and having little care for the exact truthfulness of his description. The person or persons giving him the information may have been among the meanest of the yacht squadron company, and seeing a reporter coming to them post haste on their arrival at Newport, having two large ears as appendages, they told him what is sometimes called “a sailor’s yarn.”
But after making all allowances, the supposition is not improbable, that a majority of the yacht company were of the miserable idlers, who are found in every great city. Having learnt to smoke a cigar and drink grog, and having been permitted to dance, for a York shilling a night, at some of the low and depraved dance houses in the city, and caught those glimpses of civilization, which the dullest scholars obtain by seeing a good many people in the streets, they go abroad to the country towns and the smaller sea-ports, and swagger about, as if they thought themselves ennobled by smelling the stench and vitiated air of a populous city and being permitted to hail from it.
The people of Edgartown have too much self respect; they are too well educated; the manners and customs among them are too similar to those of the best society, to be moved by any contemptible or disparaging remarks, which such characters as were in the yacht squadron from New York may put in circulation, in requital for the generous confidence reposed in them. They are welcome to their fun; and we can only hope that they will not disgrace us by another visit.

From the September 10, 1858 edition of the Vineyard Gazette:
Edgartown, Sept. 6, 1858
Mr. Marchant: Dear Sir, - Since I saw in you paper some comments on an article published in the New York Evening Post, giving an account of the late visit of a part of the Yacht Squadron to this place, I have received several letters from members of the club, disavowing and condemning the article in the Post.
I am also informed that the writer of the communication does not belong to the club, nor was he ever in Edgartown.
You are at liberty to publish any of the letters.
Respectfully yours,
Daniel Fisher

We give below two of the letters thus placed at our disposal by Dr. Fisher. They will be read with interest, and, we think, prove entirely satisfactory to our people. - [Ed. Gaz.

Newport, Sept. 3d, 1858.
My dear Sir, - I received a communication this morning from a gentleman in Edgartown, who signs himself, “W. K. Lewis, of New Orleans,” alluding, in indignant terms, to an article lately published in the N. Y. Evening Post, treating of the visit of the N. Y. Yacht Squadron to your town. I presume that if the ridiculous article in question had been thought worthy of notice, I should have heard directly from you or some other gentleman in Edgartown.
I trust that the intercourse held with various members of the Squadron for many years past, precludes the idea that any single one of their number could have written the absurdities perpetrated in that communication. It is conceived in bad taste and executed to worse spirit, and has been a subject of keen annoyance to all the gentlemen of the squadron, who feel very grateful for all the civilities tendered them on their late visit to Edgartown. I should not have thought fit to notice the wretched specimen of newspaper gossip, had not the letter received this morning, led me to fear that the reputation of our yachtsmen might suffer in the good opinion of the inhabitants of your present town. Thus much I have thought fit to say, as Commodore of the N. Y. Yacht Club, which sentiments, rest assured, are thoroughly endorsed by the members of that Association.
I remain very respectfully,
Your ob’t servant,
Wm. Edgar.

Newport, Tuesday, Aug. 31.
Dr. Fisher: Dear Sir, - My attention has been called to an article lately published in the New York Post, from a Newport correspondent, in which the late visit of the Yacht Squadron to Edgartown is alluded to in a spirit as derogatory to their dignity as it is unjust to those at whose hands they experiences such unvarying kindness during their visit.
My first intention was to have passed by the article in question as the idle effusion of a penny-a-liner, but fearing lest silence should be construed into assent, or at least indifference to its effect - I have thought best to take this method of assuring you for myself, and on behalf of the squadron - that the whole tone and temper of the communication is utterly condemned, and has been the subject of unceasing regret since its appearance. I hope you will be kind enough to communicate to the good people of Edgartown our serious regret at the occurrence; and permit me to seize this opportunity of again thanking you and them most heartily for the kindness we have received at your hands.
Respectfully yours,
Newbold Edgar.