Wesleyan Grove

We commend our review of the week with some details of what we saw at Wesleyan Grove, last Saturday.
We noticed many improvements, and beheld some splendid cottages already completed or in process of construction. Those of Nathaniel Wales, Esq., and Mr. Buckminster, of New Bedford, are beauties. We think that of Mr. B’s is the tastiest cottage on the ground.

Review of the Week

The Gay Head Indians were visited last Friday by the Hon. Rodney French, chairman on the part of the House of Representatives of the Indian Committee. The chieftains of the tribe assembled in council at 10 o’clock of the day above named, and expressed their opinion on the proposed questions of enfranchisement, &c.
Mr. Zaccheus Howwaswee, expressed his opinion in favor of remaining in their present condition.

Vineyard House

This commodious hotel is now open to the public. The proprietor, Mr. Joseph Kelley, is a gentleman every way worthy of the confidence of visitors, and one who will spare no pains to make his patrons comfortable, and so well pleased as to desire to prolong their stay. We trust the “Vineyard” may be prospered under this new administration.

Christmas Festival and Organ Concert

The Methodist Church and Society of this place have decided to hold in their church, on Christmas Eve, Thursday the 24th inst., a grand Christmas Festival. Two or more noble Trees will be placed in the church on which Christmas presents will be hung, and from which they will be given out by a Committee appointed. The Committee request that all presents be brought in to them in the vestry of the Church on the forenoon of that day, or at farthest as early as two o’clock P.M. The Church will be decorated somewhat with Evergreens.

Methodists have Purchased an Organ

The Methodists have purchased an organ for their church, and hope to have it placed therein by Christmas. It is said to be a fine-toned instrument.

Oak Bluffs Land and Wharf Company

We call attention to the interesting letter from the Harford Times, which we print to-day. This enterprising Company have already had a further survey of their grounds, and laid out a large number of new lots for cottages. The Company supposed they had enough lots staked out to supply the market for several years, but the demand has been so great, a new supply needed.

Almost a Hurricane

SEVERE STORM. - One of the fiercest storms of wind and rain ever known on this part of the coast, in the summer season, prevailed last Friday afternoon. The gale commenced between two and three o’clock and blew almost a hurricane until near sunset. The surf on the South Beach ran very high, many portions of the beach being entirely submerged. The boat-house of the Humane Society, located near the mouth of Mattakeeset Creek, was moved several feet from its position into the harbor by lodging against a high beach-hill. Fortunately we hear of but slight damage, or wrecks, along the coast.

Charles Macreading Vincent

After an unequal contest of more than four years at the editorial chair of the VINEYARD GAZETTE we resign our duties to other hands. We do not drop the pen without regret, for, with the many unpleas­ant issues that arise from such a position, there must be some agreeable associations to which, in all coming time, we shall look back with pleasure, and shall only regret that mingled with these associations there should be some unpleasant memories of the perversity and selfishness of humanity.

Land and Wharf Company

The Land and Wharf Company here given their grounds the unique and taking name of “Oak Bluffs,” upon which they offer a thousand lots for sale. The have now completed the most substantial and convenient wharf that could have been erected in this vicinity, within forty rods of the Camp-ground proper.


Vineyard House

The house (formerly known as the Norton House) having been leased by Mr. L. S. Roberts of Boston and thoroughly refitted, and newly furnished, in a manner becoming a first-class hotel, is now open as a public hotel for the accommodation of the public. Mr. Roberts in furnishing his apartments had in mind the comfort of his patrons, and we venture to say that all sojourners that place themselves under his care will readily testify that he can “keep a hotel.”
