Shearwaters Run Deep

Shearwaters are a part of a group of birds known as pelagic species. They spend all their lives, except during breeding, on the open ocean.

East Chop Town Column: July 4

You can’t spend much time in the presence of Ivo Meisner without concluding you are in the presence of a unique individual.

West Tisbury Town Column: July 4

Welcome to summer and all the people it brings along with it. Traffic is heavy everywhere, even over at the landfill. Just about every building in town is now occupied.

Smells Like Summer; Baby Skunks Hold Court on Alley's Porch

While Rhonda Backus was working inside Alley’s General Store last weekend she noticed a crowd gathering outside.

“It was a vibe of when the president drives by,” she said.

But instead of watching a motorcade, the crowd had gathered to see a procession of black and white baby skunks.

Chilmark Town Column: July 4

Chilmark is anticipating the usual wonderful Fourth of July weekend and hoping that the fine weather of this week past will continue through the holiday.

Tickets on Sale for Food and Wine Festival

Tickets are now available for the seventh annual Martha’s Vineyard Food & Wine Festival, which takes place this year from October 16 through October 19.

The four day festival will feature 250 different wines, 25 culinary personalities, and several local chefs.

After Alleged Testing Irregularity, Some Vineyard Students Must Retake AP Exams

Some newly graduated seniors and their younger schoolmates at the Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School are being asked to retake certain Advanced Placement exams following an allegation of improper testing conditions. Makeup exams have been scheduled.

Tisbury School Honor Roll

The Tisbury School has announced its honor roll for the fourth quarter of the 2013-2014 academic year.

Named to UMass Dartmouth Dean's List

Christopher Maciel of Vineyard Haven and Daniel Kaeka of West Tisbury were named to the dean’s list for the 2014 spring semester at UMass Dartmouth.

Fair Changes: No Flying Pigs This Year, Mystery Animal Attraction Instead

There will be no racing pigs this year, but there will be a motorcycle contest. And poultry farmers take note: your prize-winning hens, roosters and pullets must pass a health test this month in order to be entered in the fair.
