Whaling Past Can Teach Fishing Present

The arrival of the whaleship Charles W. Morgan in Martha’s Vineyard gives us a great opportunity to reflect on whaling’s history as well as assess some of the messages that can be applied to modern times.

Dancing With the R Word is Tricky Tango

Regionalism is the opposite of townism. To bring it up favorably in conversation can put a person at risk on this Island.

Author Shares Long History of Covering Israeli Politics

After 61 years, Yuval Elizur, Israeli journalist and former Israeli consul in New York, recently returned to the Vineyard for a visit. In the 1950s, he had honeymooned with his bride, Judith Neulander, at the Menemsha Inn. He nostalgically remembered losing his wedding ring on a swim there and enjoying evening slide shows offered by the late Alfred Eisenstadt, a fellow inn guest.

Backing Solar Initiatives

The following letter was sent to Cape and Islands state Sen. Dan Wolf in response to H4158, a pending state bill that could curtail the solar power industry.

Time Passages

From the Vineyard Gazette edition of June 30, 1961: The tales of the grandparents of the oldest inhabitants carry the reader back into antiquity.

Edgartown Lofts Demand Scrutiny

Many of us remain extremely concerned about the proposed Edgartown Lofts apartments at the already congested Triangle area, for reasons of both safety and sanity. We all know that housing is a serious issue on the Vineyard; many of us have done the frustrating Vineyard shuffle ourselves. And we all (try to) drive through that chaotic intersection, as do our visitors. We need more planning from our planning boards and fewer knee-jerk reactions. We all need to make efforts to maintain and support the quality of life we, residents and visitors alike, love.

Cemetery as Dumping Ground

Remember the controversy created by dumping unsightly, dirty gray sand and debris on the Oak Bluffs town beach (the Inkwell) ? That act was inconsiderate and disrespectful and the highway department was forced to remove it.

Tradition Endures

Many thanks to the Vineyard Gazette for publishing our need for a musician to play Take Me Out to the Ball Game at our opening softball ceremonies in Chilmark. Lo and behold, Tony Peak arrived dressed in a handsome kilt and vest to play that tune on his bag pipes in the Howie Wall tradition. The players sang the tune with him and then banged out three home runs to show their appreciation.

Bill Edison, Comish

Golf for a Cause

On Saturday, June 14, the inaugural Joseph Jerome Memorial Golf Tournament and Auction took place at the Royal and Ancient Chappaquiddick Links on Chappy. Over 300 people participated in an effort to raise funds for Vineyard families with chronically ill children.

Avoid Government Study

The following letter was sent to Cape and Islands state Sen. Dan Wolf in response to H4158, a pending state bill that could curtail the solar power industry.
