Jim Kaplan
“Do we hafta learn yet another obscure bidding convention?” people ask. No, but knowledge is power, and some of these bidding tools can help you.
Paul Laliberte
Consider the following hand, with South dealing and both sides vulnerable:
Jim Kaplan
Here’s a suggested summer read: Barbara’s Bridge Tips by Barbara Seagram (Master Point Press).
Jim Kaplan
Let’s face it: the least desirable game contract is five of a minor.


Here are some bidding questions you might find interesting:

In last week’s column I laid the groundwork for evaluation of 16-point 1NT openers when partner invites game. 

What is a “weak freak”? Sounds like someone you wouldn’t want to hang with.

Discovering a 4-4 fit in a major suit can produce excellent contracts. Unfortunately, many players don’t know how to search for the match.

Winning in bridge involves not only playing well but recognizing when you get a gift from the opponents.


What was going on here? I was sitting North-South with Paul Laliberte and east was dealing, with East-West vulnerable:

                                   NORTH (me)
                                  ♠️8 4
                                  ♥️ 6 4 3
                                  ♦️ 3
                                  ♣️ A 10 9 8 4 3 2
