Jim Kaplan
“Do we hafta learn yet another obscure bidding convention?” people ask. No, but knowledge is power, and some of these bidding tools can help you.
Paul Laliberte
Consider the following hand, with South dealing and both sides vulnerable:
Jim Kaplan
Here’s a suggested summer read: Barbara’s Bridge Tips by Barbara Seagram (Master Point Press).
Jim Kaplan
Let’s face it: the least desirable game contract is five of a minor.


Is there any way to rescue yourself after making a terrible bid?

I blew the chance to bid a slam on the following OK Bridge Internet board.

Bridge teacher and writer Larry Cohen tells his readers and students not to let opponents play contracts at the two level.

Q. 1 —Sitting South and dealing, with no one vulnerable, you hold:

What’s wrong with this auction from an OK Bridge board? South was dealing with no one vulnerable:

Bridge opens worlds. Literally.
