Aiming for $500,000, the Martha's Vineyard Sustainable Seafood Collaborative raised $515,000 to bring fish wholesaling back to Menemsha.


Jeff Lynch

Jeff Lynch wasted no time getting down to business on the day he was appointed West Tisbury shellfish constable last month. He’d been out on the water earlier in the day, and he already knew what needed to be done.



A renewed effort to restrict striped bass to game fish status in Massachusetts is dividing recreational and commercial fishermen.

Legislation was filed on Beacon Hill last month that would ban the commercial sale of wild striped bass in the commonwealth and also place stricter limits on the recreational fishery.


Jonathan Mayhew

One of Menemsha’s most respected fishermen, Jonathan Mayhew, has quit fishing the high seas.

Mr. Mayhew recently sold his federal permits, giving up his license to ply the offshore waters of Georges Bank for cod, flounder and other fish.

A Vineyard native who grew up in a family of generations of fishermen, Mr. Mayhew, 56, said a chapter has closed in his life. He said he worries now for the future of young local fishermen facing current fishing rules.

The changes that have come down are killing the fisherman and not necessarily saving fish, he said.


Direct Sale of Fish Eyed at Menemsha

Chilmark Selectmen Explore Options on Waterfront


The Chilmark selectmen are exploring ways to enable fishermen to
sell their catch directly at the Menemsha dock, part of their ongoing
search for ways to support the fishing fleet and boost the village
economy in general.

One idea is to attract another market to town, in particular one
that would sell fresh fish caught by the Menemsha fleet, with the rest
shipped to the mainland by truck, the old-fashioned way.


A crowd of Vineyard residents registered their concerns with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers regarding a proposed private energy project that aims to plant 170 windmills in 28 square miles of shallow water in Nantucket Sound. For nearly two hours last Thursday night an audience of 60 entered comments into the formal record during a scoping session held in conjunction with a Martha's Vineyard Commission meeting in the basement of the Old Whaling Church in Edgartown.


The 83-foot sea-scalloper Stanley M. Fisher, Capt. George H. Fisher of Oak Bluffs, came up with perhaps the biggest catch of this or any other season last Thursday night, the Navy’s nuclear powered submarine, the U.S.S. Nautilus.
