
A story on Island recycling in Friday’s Gazette incorrectly reported on the role of Allied Waste. The company does offer residential recycling and since May has offered single stream recycling, which co-mingles all recyclables, including paper.

The service now operates everywhere except Chappaquiddick, and will begin collections there starting Sept. 4.


A story in Friday’s Gazette misreported the amount of money raised last year during the first annual Housing on the Tube telethon. The correct figure is $526,000.

An story in last Tuesday’s Gazette mistakenly reported the type of tick which carries tularemia. It is the dog tick.

The Gazette regrets the errors.


A story published in Tuesday’s Gazette about the Vineyard Nursing Association incorrectly described the organization’s finances. The association anticipates having a surplus this year, but will incur more debt.


Contrary to an article in Tuesday’s edition, Rob Goldfarb, development director of the Farm Institute in Katama, is older than his brother, Matthew, executive director of the institute. The Gazette regrets the error.

A photo caption in Tuesday’s edition misidentified a singer performing at the Old Whaling Church in Edgartown for a benefit titled Still the Hunger. The singer was Lia Kahler. The Gazette regrets the error.


A story in Friday’s Gazette contained two errors. Jon Nelson Jr., owner of the Bunch of Grapes Bookstore in Vineyard Haven, has not yet sold his West Tisbury home. And Mr. Nelson’s father Jon Nelson is still living. The Gazette regrets the errors.


In an interview in Tuesday’s Gazette with John Potter and Todd Alexander, there was a mention about the young sailors’ sailing technique as youths more than 30 years ago. Mr. Potter said after the interview that he used the word sheet to describe their sailing technique, not cheat. Mr. Potter said on Wednesday: “We won the races by sheeting.”
