Noah Asimow
An epidemiologist studying how the Vineyard has fared over the past 15 months said the low death tally is more than a statistical anomaly.
Maia Coleman
Dukes County continues to have the highest positivity rate in the state, Tisbury remains in the red and hospital officials are pushing vaccinations in the run-up to summer.
Noah Asimow
Island health officials are ramping up their vaccination efforts, with the Covid-19 mobile vaccine bus making a return to the Island this weekend and separate pop-up clinics scheduled at two more rural locations on the Island.
Maia Coleman
The Martha’s Vineyard boards of health reported one new case of Covid-19 from last week, the lowest weekly case load since the pandemic began, marking a milestone in the Island’s battle against the virus.


Easter Sunday marked the fifth day of no new confirmed cases of Covid-19 on Martha's Vineyard. The Island hospital reported only three tests were still outstanding, and no one is hospitalized with the coronavirus.

Martha’s Vineyard has experienced an unusual late-winter population swell since the beginning of March, an analysis of traffic statistics shows.

The Martha’s Vineyard Playhouse announced today it has canceled its summer season of live productions, children’s programs and other events.

Gary A. Jenkins, an entertainment attorney who lived in Scarsdale, N.Y., died March 29 after contracting the virus. Mr. Jenkins had summered on the Vineyard for more than half a century.

Today I have been in self-quarantine for almost nine weeks, parallel but completely separate from the pandemic.

Six Island health agents and public health nurses with Island Health Care are hard at work identifying and monitoring every confirmed case of Covid-19 on the Vineyard.
