The Steamship Authority has announced further service reductions on the Vineyard route, beginning this week. The ferry Martha’s Vineyard will go off line on weekends.
No new coronavirus cases were reported on the Vineyard Tuesday, while statewide confirmed cases continued to soar, along with the death toll from the disease.
Worshipers across Martha’s Vineyard prayed and lighted candles during Palm Sunday services that were held online or pre-recorded by Island ministers.
The Yard has cancelled all programming at its Chilmark campus through June, according to an announcement from the performing arts nonprofit.
The Permanent Endowment for Martha’s Vineyard has announced a $100,000 gift to its Emergency Response Fund.
Confirmed cases of Covid-19 on the Island held steady Monday, after case reporting discrepancies among the hospital, boards of health and state led to a one-case overcount.