The demolition and reconstruction of the old Army Barracks building
on Circuit avenue in Oak Bluffs was never referred to the Martha's
Vineyard Commission as a development of regional impact (DRI), even
though it met the standard for referral and review by the commission.

In a letter dated Feb. 22, commission DRI coordinator Paul H. Foley
said the structure should have been referred to the MVC under two
sections of its DRI checklist that pertain to historic buildings.

Oak Bluffs Building Torn Down Illegally

Army Barracks Building Is Demolished with No Permits and No Review;
Building Inspector Under Fire


The contractor who tore down the old Army Barracks building on
Circuit avenue in Oak Bluffs did the work with no building or demolition
permits, and town building inspector Richard Mavro failed to issue a
stop-work order on the project, even though demolition work had been
under way for several weeks.

The demolition of the building was completed last week.


East Chop residents mourned the end of an era this week, reacting to news that an old Victorian in the heart of Oak Bluffs' Highlands district may fall to a wrecking ball in the coming months.
