It’s a surf and turf kind of weekend on the Vineyard with not one but three celebrations of field and sea.
It’s a surf and turf kind of weekend on the Vineyard with not one but three celebrations of field and sea.
Every Wednesday and Saturday from 2:45 to 3:30 p.m., the Farm Institute is looking for help with feeding and weighing the newborn lambs.
Farm Institute campers Juliette Colas and Evan Troost gave tours. Evan stood next to an aerial map of the farm where campers had previously identified plants around the farm, naming clover, oxeye daisies, fleabane and hairy vetch.
“Well that’s actually found right under us,” he said of the purple-flowered cover crop. Juliette pointed out barns, greenhouses and silos with expert commentary.
In May, Richard (RJ) Cage and his two sons built a handicap accessible vegetable garden at the Farm Institute. They used old barn wood to create the raised bed, making sure it was tall enough for wheelchair users to be able to lean over and pick crops easily. Over the summer more than 10 participants from the Seven Hills Foundation, a year-round day program for adults with developmental disabilities, worked in the garden two to three times a week.
A conflict about a wireless cell phone equipment in abandoned silos in Katama came to a swift resolution this week, with members of the Farm Institute, which leases the land, saying they are now in favor of hosting the cell tower. The Edgartown selectmen Tuesday voted in favor of AT& T’s proposal to install the equipment.
Time is running out to apply for the Farm Institute’s Pilot Parcels Project. Interested farmers from all backgrounds and experience levels are invited to submit an application for the chance to experiment with innovative crops or processes using Farm Institute land and resources.