The paths have moved, the dunes are flatter and there isn’t as much sand as there once was. But the south shore has come a long way since three destructive storms hit the Island this winter, and managers say they are ready for summer crowds.
The paths have moved, the dunes are flatter and there isn’t as much sand as there once was. But the south shore has come a long way since three destructive storms hit the Island this winter, and managers say they are ready for summer crowds.
A strong storm with winds of 50 miles per hour hit the Vineyard Tuesday night, causing erosion, destructive washovers and scattered power outages throughout the Island.
Although initial cleanup efforts of the Dec. 18 storm have been completed, towns still face hard decisions as erosion continues to eat away at the edges of the Island.
The package of drugs found on Lucy Vincent Beach in July was estimated to be worth between $864,000 and $1.3 million and likely connected with drug cartels in South America, officials said Monday.
A family on Lucy Vincent Beach Thursday found what is believed to be illegal drug packaging that washed up in the surf.
An agitated juvenile gray seal with a damaged flipper was scooped up by animal control officers and brought to the Mystic Aquarium Wednesday.