Its scientific name is Codium fragile, but for many beachcombers across the Island the invasive macroalgae goes by a more ominous title: dead man’s fingers.
Its scientific name is Codium fragile, but for many beachcombers across the Island the invasive macroalgae goes by a more ominous title: dead man’s fingers.
Charlie Shipway’s sailing journey began at the long-running Menemsha Pond Races, led to the Barcelona Olympics, and then returned to the Vineyard and the Sunfish craft he first learned on.
Dredging has begun at Herring Creek, the shallow run that connects Menemsha and Squibnocket Ponds, marking the final phase of a five-year project.
As Menemsha Channel is dredged for first time in decades, Chilmark and Aquinnah officials are protecting Menemsha Pond from increased boat traffic.
With a goal of cultivating one million oysters a year, Chilmark officials are expanding available aquaculture grants for Menemsha Pond.
Aquinnah and Chilmark selectmen are taking steps to reestablish the town line that runs through Menemsha Pond. Ice floes this winter wiped out four pilings in the pond, including two that marked the town line.