The Steamship Authority board of governors Tuesday voted to approve 41 North Offshore’s plan to run a freight barge to the Island.

MassDevelopment, a quasi-public agency focused on stimulating economic growth in the state, put out a request for proposals for the different parcels on the New Bedford state pier, including the spot used by the Cuttyhunk Ferry Company.

Tisbury’s select board voted Wednesday to oppose a barging company’s proposal to ship large freight between New Bedford and the Steamship Authority terminal in Vineyard Haven.


Jonah Mikutowicz, the owner of 41 North Offshore, came to the Steamship Authority board meeting Tuesday to float his new plan after receiving interest from potential customers.


State Official Hit on New Bedford Stand

Gazette Senior Writer

A prominent Boston attorney who represents the Steamship Authority
fired back yesterday at the state attorney general for climbing into bed
with the city of New Bedford in the latest political gambit around the
public boat line that is the lifeline to the two Islands.


An opinion entirely favorable to the Islands has been given to Governor Furcolo by Attorney General Edward J. McCormack Jr., relative to the Steamship Authority bill. The measure was returned to the Senate once again on Tuesday and is now back on the governor’s desk for another grace period of five days within which he may sign or veto it. But this is only one of a number of bills which have been shuttled in this manner between the Senate and Governor Furcolo.