A recommendation for restoring the area around Squibnocket Beach was well received at a light-spirited gathering that stood in sharp contrast to an emotional annual town meeting in April.

A re-routed roadway running partly across a wetland, a new location for the parking lot and removal of an oceanfront stone revetment are among the draft recommendations. A public hearing is set for Dec. 18.

Town leaders are now discussing the possibility of acquiring land for a new parking lot in several locations. The final recommendation will address the need for parking, beach access, and access to the homes at Squibnocket Farm.

Nearly six months after a Squibnocket Beach restoration plan was narrowly defeated by voters, a town committee that has been working to develop alternative proposals will deliver a progress report to the town.

Chilmark has reapplied for a major state grant to restore Squibnocket Beach after learning recently that the original award was in jeopardy. The selectmen have also approved $20,000 to fund cost estimates for alternative plans for the beach.

A major state grant awarded this year to the town of Chilmark to restore Squibnocket Beach may be in jeopardy because it was tied to a project that voters rejected at the annual town meeting in April.
