Stewardship is defined as "the responsible overseeing and protection of something considered worth caring for and preserving."
Stewardship is defined as "the responsible overseeing and protection of something considered worth caring for and preserving."
While I’m not against the folks at Squibnocket Point having access to their supersized summer homes, I’m passionately opposed to the current plan and the Chilmark selectmen’s handling of it.
Last summer I began to attend meetings about a proposed project in Chilmark. The proposal is multifaceted and includes extending the Squibnocket town beach, building a parking lot on a barrier dune area and the construction of a bridge to the former Hornblower property now known as Squibnocket Farms.
At annual town meeting next month, Chilmark voters will weigh in on a major Squibnocket Beach project. The plans calls for removing the stone revetment, moving the parking lot and building an elevated roadway.
A plan to reconfigure the town beachfront at Squibnocket could be a model for future coastal restoration projects, concludes a report by Greg Berman, a coastal scientist with the Woods Hole Sea Grant Cooperative Extension. But he advised a go-slow approach and said more study is needed.
In Chilmark, selectmen discussed voter approval regarding the the Squibnocket Beach improvement project. The board also reaffirmed its vote to turn down a dredging project in Menemsha channel.