The latest proposal for restoring Squibnocket Beach was presented to the town committee on Tuesday by the Friends of Squibnocket, a group that includes homeowners in the beach area.
The latest proposal for restoring Squibnocket Beach was presented to the town committee on Tuesday by the Friends of Squibnocket, a group that includes homeowners in the beach area.
Facing an unforeseen deadline for spending a major state grant, a town committee has stepped up the pace in the effort to restore Squibnocket Beach. The issue has been marked by intense environmental study and also politics.
The Chilmark selectmen this week added their voices to the growing body of opinion and research related to the town’s efforts to restore a portion of Squibnocket Beach.
Facing an October deadline to complete its work, a Chilmark town committee charged with independently studying the best way to restore Squibnocket Beach is midway through its fact-gathering mission.
Vowing to maintain an open and inclusive process, the group charged with finding an alternative restoration plan for Squibnocket Beach began met for the first time early Monday. Housekeeping items and broad discussion about the mission were both topics of interest.
Funding was announced Friday for three key projects: the restoration initiative at Squibnocket Beach in Chilmark; a pilot by the Martha’s Vineyard Shellfish Group to sow marshlands with ribbed mussels; and a project at Barges Beach on Cuttyhunk.