At hearings before the Chilmark conservation commission, critics renewed concerns about two beach restoration plans and how they will accommodate an eroding shoreline.


Facing a one-year deadline to complete a major restoration project at Squibnocket Beach, the Chilmark selectmen on Tuesday unanimously approved a concept plan for a new parking lot near the beach and a new boat launch at Squibnocket Pond.

Less than four months after voters approved a major restoration plan for Squibnocket Beach, the Chilmark selectmen have acquired two properties near the beach, where the plan calls for a new parking lot and a new access road to the homes at Squibnocket Farm.

Chilmark voters early this week unanimously backed a plan for restoring Squibnocket Beach, ending a seven-month public review. It was a striking departure from the contentious annual town meeting last April when an earlier plan was rejected.

Chilmark voters will gather at a special town meeting tonight for a series of decisions on the much-discussed restoration project at Squibnocket Beach. Five of eight articles on the warrant relate to the project.

Chilmark selectmen approved a warrant for a special town meeting Feb. 2 that aims to clear the way for a major restoration project at Squibnocket Beach. Voters will be asked whether to approve a plan developed by a town committee last year.
