I recall how much fun it was to see the sights at Five Corners with my grandmother. There was no congestion, just the slow pace, friendly laid-back people and a village setting.
I recall how much fun it was to see the sights at Five Corners with my grandmother. There was no congestion, just the slow pace, friendly laid-back people and a village setting.
A 10-month review of the Stop & Shop expansion plan came to a close Thursday night before the Martha’s Vineyard Commission. The plan has been a lightning rod for debate in Tisbury and around the Island.
With public sentiment running high on both sides of the issue, the Martha’s Vineyard Commission convenes a public hearing in Tisbury tonight on the Stop & Shop expansion plan.
The meeting begins at 6 p.m. in the Tisbury senior center.
The suggestion that Stop & Shop is doubling the size of its store is a stretch beyond belief.
As a long public review of the Stop & Shop expansion winds down before the Martha’s Vineyard Commission, opposition to the project has begun to heat up. An Island citizens group is circulating an online petition and organizing a letter-writing campaign to the MVC.
The Gazette’s recent editorial headlined Straight Dealing is warranted in its call for transparency over Stop & Shop’s proposal for a new, much improved store in Tisbury.