The Massachusetts Department of Transportation has prohibited passing on state-controlled, bidirectional two-lane roads with speed limits under 45 mph, prompting confusion from drivers and town officials alike.

Citing resident complaints and safety concerns, Edgartown select board members voted this week to lower the speed limit on Meetinghouse Way to 25 mph.

According to the data from the Martha’s Vineyard Commission, Edgartown-West Tisbury Road near the Martha’s Vineyard Airport saw the most cars in any single hour last year.

The Oak Bluffs select board voted Tuesday to issue a request for proposals for the project, which will put a roundabout at the chaotic intersection on the waterfront.

It’s only February but Chilmark residents, business owners and officials are already looking for ways to ease Menemsha’s summer traffic.


Summer traffic may seem worse, but results from six traffic counters across the island show a different reality.
