The West Tisbury selectmen Wednesday signed an agreement with the nonprofit Island Housing Trust to accept payment in lieu of taxes for three new apartments at Sepiessa.
What to do with the old West Tisbury police station building was a topic for discussion before the town selectmen this week. Situated on the Mill Pond at the entrance to town, the building has been vacant since April when the police department moved into new headquarters behind the public safety building in North Tisbury.
The West Tisbury selectmen took steps this week to resolve an ongoing dispute between Animal Health Care Associates and the residents of Coffin’s Field over noise from barking dogs at the veterinary clinic’s kennel near the airport.
The West Tisbury selectmen this week ordered the owner of a Husky to restrain her dog after an incident where the dog killed a chicken.
At a public hearing Wednesday, the selectmen learned that on May 4 the dog owned by Marina Sharkovitz killed a chicken owned by neighbor Angela Aronie on Otis Bassett Road. According to animal control officer Joan Jenkinson, this was the second time the year-and-a-half-old dog, Kota, had killed a chicken but it was the first time a formal complaint had been filed.
The town historic district commission voted this week to save the existing so-called admiral hat fixtures but replace incandescent bulbs with compact fluorescent lamps, striking a balance between preserving the historic look of the town and allowing for more energy efficiency.
West Tisbury selectmen got a glimpse of the town’s first official flag this week.