Vineyard Gazette
This religious encampment has become an Institution, there is nothing like it in this country, and it is greatly increasing from year to year.


On Saturday, July 29, the Oak Bluffs Library hosts an artist reception for Dorothy Burnham who turned 108 years old this year. Most summer days, Ms. Burnham can be found on her Camp Ground porch chatting with her neighbors.


In the aftermath of George Floyd’s murder last summer, the Martha's Vineyard Camp Meeting Association decided to look into its history, forming a social justice, diversity and inclusion task force.


The house at 25 Butler avenue in Oak Bluffs, a gingerbread cottage familiarly known as the Pink House, is beginning a new era.


An active-looking old lady with a sense of humor is eighty four year old Mrs. Ella J. Perry, a visitor to the Island for seventy-two summers.

Stephen McKenna created a literal, and entirely edible, homage to his family’s gingerbread cottage in the Camp Ground in Oak Bluffs.


The charming doors of gingerbread cottages will open wide to visitors next Wednesday, August 9 for 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. for the Martha’s Vineyard Camp Meeting Association 22nd annual Gingerbread Cottage Tour.
