Vineyard Gazette
This religious encampment has become an Institution, there is nothing like it in this country, and it is greatly increasing from year to year.
Camp Meeting History
Camp Ground
Vineyard Gazette
The camp ground upon Martha’s Vineyard, heretofore leased by the Vineyard Camp Meeting Association, has been purchased by that body for the sum of $1200.
Camp Meeting History
The Vineyard Gazette
The readers of the Gazette will please bear with us this week for the lack of extended news of local affairs.
Camp Meeting History
Illumination Night
Martha's Vineyard Camp Meeting Association
Vineyard Gazette
The hundred years of the Martha’s Vineyard Camp Meeting are filled with countless episodes which link the Island with the great figures or great events of other periods; or reflect in some colorf
Camp Meeting History
Oak Bluffs history


The Oak Bluffers will soon have to compete with the undertaking by the Vineyard Grove Company, who owns the delightful grove on the “other side of Jordon.” This association is composed of gentlemen of excellent standing, and we learn that it is their intention to conduct the affairs of the same in a manner that cannot fail to be appreciated by visitors and must prove profitable to all concerned. Lots have been sold for building purposes, and we expect to see ere many years, a thriving settlement here.
We commend our review of the week with some details of what we saw at Wesleyan Grove, last Saturday.
We noticed many improvements, and beheld some splendid cottages already completed or in process of construction. Those of Nathaniel Wales, Esq., and Mr. Buckminster, of New Bedford, are beauties. We think that of Mr. B’s is the tastiest cottage on the ground.


We call attention to the interesting letter from the Harford Times, which we print to-day. This enterprising Company have already had a further survey of their grounds, and laid out a large number of new lots for cottages. The Company supposed they had enough lots staked out to supply the market for several years, but the demand has been so great, a new supply needed.


The Land and Wharf Company here given their grounds the unique and taking name of “Oak Bluffs,” upon which they offer a thousand lots for sale. The have now completed the most substantial and convenient wharf that could have been erected in this vicinity, within forty rods of the Camp-ground proper.


The camp ground upon Martha’s Vineyard, heretofore leased by the Vineyard Camp Meeting Association, has been purchased by that body for the sum of $1200.


The approaching campaign at Wesleyan Grove is so full of matters of interest to readers far and near that we are induced to publish a daily paper, to be called the Camp Meeting Herald, which will contain a concise report of all transactions upon the ground; a brief report of all sermons, a historical sketch of the prominent itinerant clergymen, and all local items. Within this sheet the reader will find a perfect transcribe of each day upon the camp ground. It cannot fail to interest you. Send in your subscriptions.
