The $3.6 million Chilmark School is done. No sooner had the contractor finished the work on Tuesday than school principal Kathy Collins and others began moving boxes into the new building.
The $3.6 million Chilmark School is done. No sooner had the contractor finished the work on Tuesday than school principal Kathy Collins and others began moving boxes into the new building.
Designs for the new Menemsha School met with considerable support and some opposition this week at the Chilmark selectmen's meeting.
Charles Rose of Thompson and Rose Architects presented the designs for the new school to the selectmen for the first time Tuesday evening. The designs are ones selected by the Chilmark school building committee last week based on four schemes Mr. Rose presented to them.
The Menemsha School still has a great old-fashioned school bell, sounded daily by a rope that dangles down from the roof.
Children of different grades still sit in class side by side and play together in a playground bordered by a foresty area they call "twiggyland." Many townspeople were educated here, in the same place as their parents and grandparents.
Today, the challenge to Chilmark is maintaining the special qualities of this rural school while making room for growth.