Vineyard Gazette
The tower on which the light stands, which seemed at a distance to be white, is in reality red, being made of pressed brick, and capped with freestone; it is forty feet high, and surmounted by an


Aquinnah voters will be asked to set aside money for repairs to Gay Head Light, new town vehicles and the town’s grant writer at this week’s special town meeting. 

On Friday the lights went dark at the Gay Head lighthouse as the town began a six-month renovation project to fix its curtain wall, lantern deck and replace the existing lantern with an LED bulb.


Beneath the Gay Head Lighthouse Sunday, Islanders celebrated the life of late Aquinnah resident Len Butler, known to many as “the man who moved the lighthouse.”

Aquinnah officials say the town stands to gain hundreds of thousands of dollars from offshore wind energy developers that are required to mitigate the effects of offshore wind farms on Aquinnah Circle and Gay Head Light.


Standing at the top of the Gay Head Light you can see for miles, a 360-degree view of the Atlantic Ocean, Noman’s Land, the Elizabeth islands, fishing boats trawling the waters, tourists below looking out at the same view.

The town of Aquinnah will receive nearly $50,000 from the state to complete a walking path that connects the shops at the cliffs with the lighthouse overlook
