Camp Winnecunnet, the Y.W.C.A. camp on West Chop road, Vineyard Haven, has been sold this week to Miss Kathleen Hinni, representing the School of Creative Arts which she has conducted in the town for the past several years. The sale, as yet uncompleted, was made through the office of Mrs. O. B. Weeks, formerly Miss Mary Nunes, of Oak Bluffs.
This new summer resort located at West Chop is very beautifully situated on the shores of Vineyard Haven harbor and Vineyard sound, but a few minutes ride from the village of Vineyard Haven. The gentlemen who have undertaken this new enterprise are men of ample means and business ability; they are spending a large amount of money for the development of the property question. Among the improvements already made might be mentioned the building of a large and substantial wharf into the waters of Vineyard Sound.