A deep (online) dive with the chief pilot of the Alvin submersible team at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution is this season's first winter lecture, Dec. 9.


Ocean scientists with the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) discovered a group of previously unknown hydrothermal vents last month, providing researchers with new opportunities to deepen their understanding of this deep-sea phenomenon.

The encroaching dark and cold drizzle in Vineyard Sound provided the perfect backdrop Wednesday evening for a lecture on the mid-water depths of the ocean, a place called the Twilight Zone.

The three pounding winter storms that took a toll on the Island’s south shore also have scientists who study the area pondering retreat.


Several scientists at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute are researching the behaviors of particles in the ocean as part of the organization’s initiative to curb plastic pollution.

It's not often that scientists at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) find themselves in a ballet studio.

The relocation of the WHOI Pioneer Array from Vineyard waters to North Carolina signals the end of an era for the high-tech system, one of five active stations in the National Science Foundation’s Ocean Observatories Initiative.
