Alex Floyd
Runners from across the Island and elsewhere gathered for this year’s annual Chilmark Road Race under a clear blue sky Saturday, celebrating a tradition entering its 37th year on Martha’s Vineyard.
Jim Austin
Runners often end up having a favorite race that they return to each year. For me it’s the Chilmark Road Race 5K on Martha’s Vineyard.
Sue Guiney
I ran the Chilmark Road Race again this year, and like every year, I made the same joke at the start: “I don’t care how I do, as long as I’m not carried from the finish line to the first aid tent.
Ivy Ashe
David Melly, 21, of Newton won the Chilmark Road Race with a time of 15:43.31. Sheridan Wilbur, 17, of North Smithfield, R.I., won first place for the women with a time of 18:24.55.
Derek Schwartz
On Saturday morning, a total of 1,600 people will run the Chilmark Road Race. On Friday and Sunday, kids and adults will take part in the Alex Cohen Memorial Basketball Marathon at the community center.
As every Gazette readers know, the Chilmark Road Race just celebrated its 36th year. The Gazette has been a big part of the race’s success with reporter after reporter writing wonderful pre-race and post-race stories along with magnificent accompanying photos from Alison Shaw, Peter Simon, Mark Lovewell, and others.
Ivy Ashe
A pair of first-timers picked up the coveted lobsters from Larsen’s at the 36th annual Chilmark Road Race.
Remy Tumin
Hugh Weisman’s daughter Jennifer Sullivan was 13 years old when the first Chilmark Road Race was held in 1978. On Saturday, Mr. Weisman’s grandchildren, 15 and 18 years old, will run the same course. “It’s become a big family tradition for a lot of people, and year after year people come back just for this week,” Mr. Weisman.
Bill Eville
It is unknown what the winner of this year’s Chilmark Road Race — Hugh Parker of New York city with a time of 16:07:29 — did to prepare for the race. He ran fast and shirtless in the morning downpour, crossing the tape nearly 30 seconds ahead of his closest competitor, David Melly of Newton, and the women’s winner Nnenna Lynch, also of New York city, who finished with a time of 19:21.27. Perhaps Hugh woke early, stretched and ran eight or nine miles just to warm up. He looked that fit and that youthful on Saturday morning.
Chilmark road race start
Matt Sohn
Wearing a bright orange top and neon green running shoes, David Melly was easy to spot along Middle Road on Saturday morning. Then again, it wouldn’t have been difficult to find Mr. Melly at nearly any point during the 2011 Chilmark Road Race, as the 18-year old from Newton blew away the field. His winning time of 16:22 was more than a minute faster than the time of runner-up Jake Quagiaroli of Fishers, Ind., who crossed the finish line in 17:28.
Ivy Ashe
In the beginning, there were 254 runners toiling up and over the hills of Middle Road.
starting runners
Peter Brannen
As 1,500 runners anxiously milled about the starting line on Middle Road Saturday Morning, West Tisbury selectman Jeffrey (Skipper) Manter brandished a streamer-topped car antenna, holding it up to the sky. “In case I need to wave down a med-flight,” he told curious fellow runners in the 34th Chilmark Road Race. The sweat-soaked Mr. Manter had already run the course that morning in preparation for a half-marathon in Lowell and was beginning to feel the miles. “Stay in front of me and you’ll be all right,” he said.
