Woody Williams
Misconceptions of Viet Nam veterans to be cleared up this Memorial Day:  
Andrew J. Shanley
They went to the wall together and cried.   “It was like going to meet a friend...and finally saying goodbye.”  
Andrew J. Shanley
Woody Williams graduated from the Island’s regional high school in 1969 and went off to fight a war. In some ways, he’s still fighting it.  
Vineyard Gazette
Notification was received this week by his family, of the death in the Gulf of Tonkin of United States Navy Lt. John Robert Painter Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Painter of Hine’s Point.
Vineyard Gazette
A group of Islanders will be participating in the March on Washington on April 24, which is being organized by the National Peace Coalition, calling for an end to the Vietnam war.
Vineyard Gazette
Kivie Kaplan of Chestnut Hill and Vineyard Haven, a civil rights leader active in the national N.A.A.C.P., was among those who attended the Peace March in Washington last week, and he has written
Phyllis Meras
Vietnam Moratorium Day was observed quietly in various parts of the Vineyard Wednesday - by children building peace symbols on the Menemsha sand; worshipers at a morning Eucharist service and an
Vineyard Gazette
Sgt. Jon L. Grimmett, the son in law of Mr. and Mrs. Petronio Ortiz of Vineyard Haven, was killed in action in Vietnam on Jan. 24.
Vineyard Gazette
Vineyard Gazette
Trouble threatened to flare up last Friday afternoon in front of the former A. & P Store in Edgartown, where Mrs. Robert W.
Vineyard Gazette
It’s Time to Stop Bombing North Vietnam and Begin Negotiation Now!  
Vineyard Gazette
“Thereupon Mr.
