Kivie Kaplan Is Again on Project in the South

Kivie Kaplan, national president of the N.A.A.C.P., who was recently vacationing in Vineyard Haven, took off on July 29 for a five day trip to New Orleans for the association’s Louisiana summer project in which more than a hundred volunteers from all over the country, boys and girls, Negro and white, will work from one to five weeks, paying their own expenses. A few will come from other countries.

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Kivie Kaplan Describes Peace March Experience
Vineyard Gazette
Kivie Kaplan of Chestnut Hill and Vineyard Haven, a civil rights leader active in the national N.A.A.C.P., was among those who attended the Peace March in Washington last week, and he has written the following account of that experience, which he described as an inspiring one.
“To see the more than a quarter of a million dedicated young men and women and very few adults certainly showed that there was hope for the future, with our wonderful youth of today.
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