820 EDGARTOWN Legal Notices



On Wednesday, 12 March 2025 at 4:35PM the Edgartown Conservation Commission will hold a public hearing on the second floor of Edgartown Town Hall (70 Main St, Edgartown) on a Request for Determination of Applicability filed by Schofield Barbini & Hoehn, Inc. on behalf of Louis Bowman Family Ventures LLC under the Edgartown Wetlands Protection Bylaw and the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act. The applicant is requesting a determination for the construction of a single family dwelling, garage/ADU, septic system, underground utilities, grading and associated site work. The property is located at 105 4th St North (AP 11A-127) For a copy of the application or for questions related to observing the meeting via Zoom, please contact: conservation@edgartown-ma.us




On Wednesday, 12 March 2025 at 4:40PM the Edgartown Conservation Commission will hold a public hearing on the second floor of Edgartown Town Hall (70 Main St, Edgartown) on a Notice of Intent filed by Vineyard Land Surveying & Engineering on behalf of Steven Rabin & Karen Bressler under the Edgartown Wetlands Protection Bylaw and the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act. The applicant is filing an after-the-fact Notice of Intent to construct and maintain a septic tank, pump chamber and force line within the flood zone. The property is located at 100 Meetinghouse Way (AP 37-5) For a copy of the application or for questions related to observing the meeting via Zoom, please contact: conservation@edgartown-ma.us




On Wednesday, 12 March 2025 at 4:30PM the Edgartown Conservation Commission will hold a public hearing on the second floor of Edgartown Town Hall (70 Main St, Edgartown) on a Notice of Intent filed by the Town of Edgartown under the Edgartown Wetlands Protection Bylaw and the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act. The Town is proposing improvements to a Town owned boat landing, including a new parking layout, improved dingy/boat storage, planting of native vegetation, landscaping and related activities. The property is located on Edgartown Bay Road (AP 46-86) For a copy of the application or for questions related to observing the meeting via Zoom, please contact: conservation@edgartown-ma.us


Edgartown Planning Board


In accordance with Section 10.1.K.g of the Edgartown Zoning Bylaw, the Edgartown Planning Board will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, March 18, 2025 at 5:30PM, at the request of Robert D Moriarty Esq., McCaron, Murphy & Vukota LLP, on behalf of Edgartown Yacht Club to remove one cedar tree and one oak tree within the front set-back, and one pine tree in the side set-back, as noted on the plan. The subject property is located at 149 West Tisbury Rd. This public hearing will be conducted using Remote Conference technology, in accordance with Chapter 2 of the Acts of 2023. Interested parties may 'attend' the meeting online by visiting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84045774342, or voice phone call to (646) 558-8656 (when prompted, enter Meeting ID #8404 577 4342 Application Materials may be reviewed online on the Edgartown Planning Board page on the town's website -- https://www.edgartown-ma.us -- or at the Edgartown Planning Board Offices, PO Box 5130, Edgartown, during regular business hours. Michael Shalett, Chair Edgartown Planning Board



March 10, 2025 The Town of Edgartown is seeking competitive sealed bids from qualified vendors to supply and deliver propane to various Town Departments and buildings in the Town of Edgartown. A one (1) year contract, with two (2) one (1) year options to renew at the sole discretion of the Town, is being offered. The contract term is 7/1/25 to 6/30/26. This solicitation is being conducted in accordance with the provisions of Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 30B, and all contracts must be strictly awarded in accordance with the requirements of MGL Ch. 30B and this Invitation for Bids (IFB). If it becomes necessary to revise any part of this IFB or otherwise provide additional information, an addendum will be issued to all prospective bidders who received copies of the original request. The Awarding Authority will be the Select board of the Town of Edgartown, acting by and through the Procurement Officer. The Scope of Services, any published addenda to the IFB and the Bidder’s Response will become part of the Contract between the Town of Edgartown and the successful bidder. The bidder shall be familiar with all state, local and other laws relating to this type of work and shall obtain all permits required and shall pay all expenses for same. Bid documents are available electronically or in hard copy, please call (774)310-5106 or email hmclaughlin@edgartown-ma.us to obtain a copy. Bids must be submitted, sealed and in writing, to the Town of Edgartown Procurement Office, Edgartown Town Hall, Third Floor, 70 Main Street (or mailed via USPS to P.O. Box 5158), Edgartown Massachusetts 02539, in a package plainly marked “Bid for Supply & Delivery of Propane, Ref: SEL-26-01” on or before 12:00PM, Friday, April 4, 2025. Bids will be publicly opened at that time by the Chief Procurement Officer and a witness. Award will be made within ten (10) days after the bid opening. The Town of Edgartown reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any informality in bids received whenever such rejection or waiver is in its best interest. The Town of Edgartown fully complies with federal, state, and local laws and directives governing equal opportunity, affirmative action and non-discrimination in all Town activities and actively solicits bids from MBE/WBE businesses.


Town of Edgartown Notice of Public Hearing

Notice is hereby given in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 87, Section 3 of the Massachusetts General Laws and amendments thereto, that Joshua C. Gothard, RA, agent for Isabelle Lew, Trustee, has requested permission to remove the following public shade tree. The tree is a Sycamore Maple Tree, approximately 18 inch DBH and 23 foot height. The tree is located at 75 South Water Street. Assessors map 20D, parcel 336. A public hearing will be held upon said request at 4:00PM on Monday March 24, 2025 in the Fred B. Morgan meeting room of the Town Hall, 70 Main Street, Edgartown, Massachusetts. Select Board / Tree Warden mar7,14,2-t



On Wednesday, 26 March 2025 at 4:15PM the Edgartown Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a remote public hearing via ZOOM on the request by Susanna Herlitz-Ferguson (owner of Sevenbay Real Estate LLC) for a special permit under section 10.2 E of the bylaw. The proposal involves using the adjacent rear outdoor space to install a cart for the sale of sorbet, weather permitting. The property is located at 15 Church Street (Assr. Pcl. 20D-120) in the B-I Business District. The application is available on the town’s website: Departments>Zoning>Meeting Materials. Written comments should be received no later than noon on 25 March 2025. For information on how to use Zoom please contact:

lmorrison@edgartown-ma.us Lisa C. Morrison Assistant To join the Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86172175475 Or Join by Phone: 646 558 8656 Meeting ID: 861 7217 5475 mar7,14,2-t



On Wednesday, 26 March 2025 at 4:00PM the Edgartown Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a remote public hearing via ZOOM on the request by Tristan & Matthew McCarthy for a special permit under section 10.1 G of the bylaw. The McCarthys are proposing to construct a second story primary suite over a one-story section of an existing two-story dwelling. The property is located at 15 Sixteenth Street South (Assr. Pcl. 11B-83) - a nonconforming .17-acre lot in the R-20 Residential District. The application is available on the town’s website: Departments>Zoning>Meeting Materials. Written comments should be received no later than noon on 25 March 2025. For information on how to use Zoom please contact: lmorrison@edgartown-ma.us Lisa C. Morrison Assistant To join the Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86172175475 Or Join by Phone: 646 558 8656 Meeting ID: 861 7217 5475 mar7,14,2-t