Chappy Town Column: March 8

The school vacation week in February and the few days before and after seems to be the very quietest time for the Chappy Ferry as well as for the rest of the Vineyard. This is as close as we get to the “dead of winter.” Even so there have still been some interesting outdoor activities.

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Chappy Town Column: March 1
Margaret Knight

It’s been a quiet week on Chappaquiddick — in fact, the quietest week of the year. School vacation, February, and living on an island add up to a trip to somewhere else, either warmer or one with more snow. But for those of us who didn’t go anywhere, this was the week you didn’t have to wait in any lines, and the roads were empty.

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Chappy Town Column: Feb. 22
Margaret Knight

The peacocks are back at Pimpneymouse Farm after a long winter of wandering the wilds of Chappaquiddick. The pair of birds, known as the Peabodys, arrived at the farm last June via a friend of the Potters from upstate New York. All went well until the fall when the Potters let the birds out of the pen so their friend could get a glimpse

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Chappy Town Column: Feb. 15
Margaret Knight

The rain, sun and warm temperatures of this past week helped Chappaquiddick return to normal after last Friday and Saturday’s blizzard. The ground is visible once again, the power is on and the ferry is running on schedule. It was quite a storm, though.

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Chappy Town Column: Feb. 8
Margaret Knight

Chappaquiddick has had more snowy days recently than we’ve seen in several winters put together. The snow hasn’t amounted to much, though. Last weekend a perfectly dry fluffy snow was just enough to cover all flat surfaces, creating a sort of Etch A Sketch record of all of winter’s living, moving critters.

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Chappy Town Column: Feb. 1

We are saddened to receive word of the passing of Franny Barnard. Her obituary describes a full life and family tree with many new branches. I always enjoy hearing of the earliest years of a person’s life. Without knowing all of the details we can still gain a perspective on Franny’s youth by reviewing a few of the events of those days.

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Emergency Plan Approved for Chappy Home Threatened by Erosion
Sara Brown

With the failure of a previous plan to try to stem the erosion that threatens a Chappaquiddick house and a severe tropical storm headed up the East Coast early next week, the Edgartown conservation commission Wednesday approved a new emergency plan of action for the property.

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Playing Hardball

Comcast’s final offer requiring individual Chappy homeowners to pay $3,800 up front to receive cable service is the best evidence that the corporation has no intention of servicing our island. So we continue to be part of the 19 million Americans where high-speed Internet is not available, according to the Federal Communications Commission. Has Comcast negotiated with transparency with the all-Island town committee dealing with this issue? Edgartown’s Pam Dolby doesn’t think so. She has asked Comcast for “some type of proof that this project will cost $1.58 million.” Comcast spends billions in deals with NBC Universal, GE and other acquisitions, but plays financial hardball with us. Chairman Brian Roberts, in a recent interview about his corporation, said, “What do we stand for? What are our values?” I think we know. Bob O’Rourke Chappaquiddick

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Chappy Town Column: September 7
Brad Woodger

The weather seems to know. Now is the time to rain. Now is the time to mark the passage of one season to the next. Seasons on Chappy follow less the Roman calendar than they do the school schedule. I was young once (though from my picture in last Friday’s Gazette one might not believe it. My personal take on it is that I look as though I was rudely transported from the cozy confines of my coffin in Romania to the Big Camp kitchen. If you look closely, you will see bats behind me). Back then, school started well into the first week of September.

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Land Bank Purchase Adds Access to Scenic Cape Pogue Shoreline
Mike Seccombe

The Martha’s Vineyard Land Bank has signed a contract to purchase 41.1 acres on Chappaquiddick, including some 900 feet of shoreline on Cape Pogue Bay.

The acquisition will be added to its existing Three Ponds Reservation, bringing the total contiguous land area to 357.7 acres.

In an announcement on Monday, the land bank said the land, at the end of Jeffers Lane, would cost $4.95 million. The sellers are Judith Self Murphy, E. Baldwin Self Jr. and Karen Self Osler.

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