The League of Women Voters of Martha's Vineyard (LWV MV) will hold a membership tea on Saturday, Sept. 23 at 3 p.m.
The Animal Shelter of Martha's Vineyard is offering a six-week-long puppy training course.
We are happy to report that the orange male kitten, Sammy, has left us for his forever home.
The Martha's Vineyard Community Foundation has announced changes to its board of directors.
Police arrested Brian Covington, 29, around 10 a.m. at a house on Pequot avenue, according to state police.
You’ve read here before about the losing-trick count (LTC). Now I’m going to explain in more detail how it works.
The LTC applies to suit contracts. When there’s a suit fit, you want to establish how many losers there are in each hand. Typically, a minimum one-bid to start the auction shows seven losers. If responder has no more than seven, you’re probably in good shape to bid 4H or 4♠️ if a major-suit fit exists.
A cyanobacteria bloom in Squibnocket Pond has rendered its waters unsafe for both humans and animals, according to an advisory made by the Chilmark board of health.
The Martha's Vineyard Community Foundation has opened the next round of applications for its Community and Impact grants.
MVY radio has awarded its eighth round of Business Diversity Initiative grants to local businesses.
Radu-George Radoi, of Romania, was arrested around 6:45 a.m. Sunday and has been charged with defacing property, resisting arrest, assault, threat to commit a crime and two counts of breaking and entering.