Outbreak of War Against Iraq Will Curtail Student Travel Plans to
Countries Overseas


If war in Iraq breaks out before April vacation, students at the
Martha's Vineyard Regional High School can forget about their
travel plans to Ireland, Costa Rica and England.

That was the message this week from the regional school committee
whose regular monthly meeting Monday night drew a crowd of nearly 50
people - parents, students and at least three teachers who tried
to sway committee members to reconsider their hard-line stance on

"Peg [Regan, school principal] and I are recommending that all
subsequent travel to foreign countries be canceled if one of the
following conditions takes place," said Vineyard schools
superintendent Dr. Kriner Cash.

Besides war, other events that would trigger a blanket travel
cancellation include a code red alert being issued by the U.S. office of
homeland security; a government-issued travel restriction for a country
being traveled to or through, and a terrorist act committed near one of
the trip itineraries.

The up-Island regional school committee unanimously endorsed a
similar policy last week in an effort to create some guidelines for the
eighth grade trip to England, scheduled to depart next week.

At the high school, three trips are in now in the offing for
mid-April. School leaders this week praised the cultural and educational
benefits of school travel, but said they were making safety the top
priority. A legal opinion obtained by the schools also advised leaders
that the schools would be liable if something went wrong on one of the

"I'm concerned about the domino effect of this
war," said Mr. Cash. "This situation is unlike anything
I've ever seen. Student safety is first for me."

Arguing the other side were parents and students who bemoaned the
potential loss of money already spent on airline tickets and lodging.
But more than money, members of this camp focused on the blow to the
unique travel opportunities offered at the regional high school.

High school senior Alex Buder told the committee that foreign travel
was one of the best ways to fight intolerance and prejudice. "If
you don't take risks, you're not going to experience the
world," he said. "What feeds the fundamentalism in the world
are people who haven't seen other cultures."

Mr. Buder urged the committee with these words: "Do not live
in fear of terrorists, war or even lawsuits."

His comments drew applause. Teacher Jill Gault picked up the theme,
arguing that world travel for young students creates world peace.

Social studies teacher Elaine Weintraub was the most vociferous
advocate for placing no restrictions on student travel overseas. Hoping
to fly to Ireland with her students, Mrs. Weintraub said the country
would probably be safer than the United States.

"Ireland is a neutral country and is not considered a target
nation by the Islamic world," she said, reading from a prepared

Asked by a committee member whether she favored traveling to Ireland
even if war broke out, Mrs. Weintraub said, "The war will be over
in three or four days, and I feel very comfortable taking kids to
Ireland. It will be safer there than in New York city."

At least two parents agreed with Mrs. Weintraub, saying that they
trusted sending their children with the teacher even in the midst of
such global political turmoil. "If we do have a war, I'd
rather have my son in Ireland," said Rosemary Van Nes of West

Some school committee members also expressed doubt about a hard-line
policy. Susan Parker, a member from Chilmark, suggested a wait-and-see
position. "These trips are not until mid-April. We have another
meeting in April, and we could look at things as they unfold," she
said. "There's no need for a snap decision."

Committee member Roxanne Ackerman of Aquinnah said,
"We're going the wrong way from what we're trying to
teach the students."

But other members backed the administration's recommendation.
"The number one priority is the safety of our children. We are in
tremendous danger now," said Tim Dobel, a school committee member
from Oak Bluffs. "To have our kids spread out over the world at
this time is a frightening possibility."