Candidate Challenge Fails in Tisbury Clash
Town Registrar Board Rules in Favor of James Douglas and Douglas
Dias's Right to Run for Selectman Post
The candidacies of James Douglas and Douglas Dias in Tisbury's
upcoming selectmen's race survived challenges Monday night.
The burden was on the challengers to prove that Mr. Douglas and Mr.
Dias are not residents of Tisbury. In each case, the town's
four-member board of registrars deadlocked 2-2, which meant the
challenges failed.
"The objector did not prove that Jamie Douglas was not a
resident of Tisbury. The vote on the motion was 2-2. That means that
Jamie Douglas remains on the ballot," declared Kay Mayhew,
chairman of the board of registrars; the same result followed Mr.
Dias's hearing.
The courtroom-style hearings were lively. Though they lost their
challenges, Joanna Jernegan and Woody Williams proved many of the facts
they had alleged in their objections. For their part, Mr. Douglas and
Mr. Dias stood up for their claims to Tisbury residency.
"I've grown up in Vineyard Haven and it's been a
critical part of my life," said Mr. Douglas in his opening
statement. "My civil life, my job, my business. Everything I do is
in the town of Tisbury . . . to think otherwise is just
Several times, Mr. Douglas said he would retain an attorney if the
board ruled against him. He brought case law with him to bolster his
position, and at one point declared the proceedings a witch hunt.
Mr. Douglas acknowledged that, except for the last week, he has
lived above the Black Dog's store in Edgartown since November. He
said he has only spent five of the last 365 nights at the address given
on his election papers - 20 Beach street extension. Nonetheless,
he persuaded the board that was his rightful home. He told the board the
center of his civic, social and business life is in Tisbury.
To prove his case, he produced evidence that he receives his mail in
Tisbury; he registers his cars in Tisbury; he eats most of his meals in
Tisbury (at the Black Dog); his bank account is in Tisbury; and he works
in Tisbury. He told the board he lives in Tisbury approximately five
months out of the year. During the summer, he is captain of his
family's schooner, the Alabama.
He called his father to testify on his behalf. The senior Mr.
Douglas defended his son's right to maintain a residence in
Tisbury in spite of the fact that he is often some place else.
"He's an unmarried 30-year old. He moves around a
lot," said the father.
In the end, some people in attendance, including his challenger, Ms.
Jernegan, were left wondering where Mr. Douglas would be entitled to
vote and run for public office if not in Tisbury.
"I actually was given information during the hearing that
changed my opinion. . . . Jamie has no other home. If you don't
allow him to call Tisbury his voting address, then he has no other
voting address," she said.
Ms. Jernegan said that it was her assumption when she filed her
objection that Mr. Douglas would testify that most of his time was spent
at his parents' West Tisbury home.
The hearing on Mr. Douglas's residency was the first challenge
to a bid for selectman in Tisbury's history. The objection to Mr.
Dias's bid was the second.
Like Mr. Douglas, Mr. Dias claims Tisbury his rightful town. He told
the board that he receives his mail at his mother's house on
Daggett avenue there; he watches television with his mother regularly;
his kids went to school in Tisbury; he sits on the town finance
committee; and he eats many of his meals in town (at the Woodlawn
But like Mr. Douglas, the residence that Mr. Dias listed on his
election papers was not where he regularly sleeps. Mr. Dias has a place
of work with an apartment in Oak Bluffs, at 21 Holmes Hole Road. He once
listed 21 Holmes Hole Road as his Tisbury residence on a town voting
Yet, as in the case of Mr. Douglas, Mr. Dias persuaded the board
that his roots were in Tisbury. His brother Robert, the record head of
household at 27 Daggett avenue, would only testify to Doug Dias's
overnight presence at the abode once in the past year, but the
brother's mother, Mary Dias, said Doug Dias spent many nights
"My mother is the center of my life," joked Doug Dias.
At the close of the hearing, Doug Dias said, "To challenge a
genuine, interested party with nothing personal to gain . . . it kind of
discourages me. I hope we can all move on and get to better
Mr. Williams, the challenger, said he continues to believe that Mr.
Dias is not properly a resident of Tisbury. He said he proved that Mr.
Dias's election papers were not properly filed. But, said Mr.
Williams, "I presented my case of why I disagreed and I still feel
the same way. . . . Other than that, I wish him luck."
Another person who figured into the proceedings and emerged
unscathed was Robert Douglas Sr. In prior conversations with the
Gazette, Mr. Douglas said, "I sleep in West Tisbury but I have
been voting in Tisbury for 40 years."
During the hearing, after being called by his son to testify, one of
the registrars asked the senior Mr. Douglas if his statement as quoted
in the Gazette was accurate. He said yes. He said he had discussed the
inconsistency between his abode and his voting residency with the town
clerk for the past 10 years.
Ms. Mayhew then attempted to ask Mr. Douglas whether he would agree
to remove his name from the town voting roles. Town counsel stepped in
and said the question was inappropriate.
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