County Makes Offer on Manager's Post


Dukes County commissioners last night offered the job of county
manager to E. Winn Davis, executive secretary of the town of Hanson. In
his return visit to the Island, Mr. Davis described himself as a
consensus builder who believes that Dukes County can set a positive
example for county government across the commonwealth.

"A lot of towns in other counties don't have the
relationship that exists here," he said. "The like
conditions and like needs of these seven towns allow for efficiencies
that are achievable."

Mr. Davis accepted the job subject to contract negotiation.

He said he could start in two to four weeks, and suggested a
transition period during which he would work several days on the Island
while still attending to his responsibilities in Hanson.

The commissioners invited Mr. Davis for a second interview after
rescinding Laurie Perry's job offer due to uncertainty regarding
her education credentials. Mr. Davis had been selected with Ms. Perry as
a finalist for the position in May.

Mr. Davis has served as the executive secretary of the town of
Hanson since 2000, a job characterized on his resume as being the chief
administrative official. Hanson has a population of almost 10,000 and an
annual operating budget around $14 million.

The Island's year-round population is 15,000 (summer
population 105,600) with a county budget of more than $4 million for
fiscal year 2004.

Mr. Davis's past record of municipal service also includes a
three-year tenure as the assistant town manager of Provincetown and
three years as a senior regional planner to Franklin, Norfolk and

Mr. Davis was graduated from Northeastern University with a master
of public administration degree in 1975; from Harvard Graduate School of
Design with a master of city planning degree in 1976, and from Boston
University School of Law with a doctor of law degree in 1979.

He served in the United States Air Force from 1969 to 1974, when he
resigned with the grade of captain.

In the half-hour interview yesterday, the commissioners reviewed his
credentials and questioned him about his commitment to the Island, his
belief in county government and the logistics of commuting from his home
in Falmouth.

"I've lived four miles away for 24 years. I've
always looked over and thought this is a place I'd like to
work," said Mr. Davis. He said moving to the Island was a question
of economics: He cannot relocate until he finishes paying the final two
years of his daughter's college tuition.

He said, however, that residency has no bearing on his dedication:
"If the chemistry is right, I could see staying here until the
federal government says it's time to retire - maybe 12 years
from now. I intend to stay, and to move as soon as is practical.

"Bringing in someone who's not a local has its
advantages," he added. "I come without a particular bent or
favoritism toward any town and will treat them all equally."

Speaking of his tenure in Provincetown and his current job in
Hanson, he said the two had different citizenries that required
attention to different needs. In Provincetown health services was a
critical issue, while Hanson residents called for him to focus on
housing; he said he's recently spent time working with developers,
affordable housing and Chapter 40B issues.

Mr. Davis laid out his management strategy for moving employees and
elected officials forward at the same pace and in the same direction. He
said he tries to reach agreement among those concerned, but added that
as chief executive official he will not hesitate to take action when

"County government has been in the spotlight for a number of
years, and a lot of other counties have serious financial problems and
leadership problems," Mr. Davis said. "When it's too
big, there can be too much bureaucracy. But I think that, on a certain
scale, county government works. Here, it can."