State Assumes Lead Role in Moving Stranded Boat off Norton Point


Favorable tides may help in the removal of a 71-foot abandoned sea
scalloper that has been stranded on Norton Point Beach for nearly two
weeks, raising concerns about the environmental effects both on the
beach and on the coastal birds nesting nearby.

The New Bedford vessel Midnight Rider could be removed as early as
Thursday, with officials looking at astronomical high tides this week to
help with its removal.

The state Division of Waterways, working with the state Department
of Conservation and Recreation, has taken responsibility for the cost of
removal of the vessel, according to a spokesman from the state.

"At this point we are working with federal, state and local
authorities to determine the best way to remove the vessel, as quickly
as possible and with as little environmental impact," said Vanessa
Gulati, a spokesman from the state Executive Office of Environmental

On the night of Friday, June 30, a U.S. Coast Guard vessel and
helicopter came to rescue the captain and crew of the fishing boat after
it ran aground on or near Skiff's Island, a part of Wasque Shoal
2.2 miles south of Wasque Point. At the time of the rescue, the vessel
was hard aground and taking on water.

On the following morning, with no one aboard, the red and rusty
vessel drifted ashore about three-quarters of a mile west of Wasque
Point. The vessel came right into an environmentally sensitive area
populated by nesting piping plovers and least terns, raising concerns
for a number of Island officials. The concerns were quickly compounded
by confusion over who was responsible for the boat.

"I'm greatly troubled by [the boat's coming
ashore] - even getting there, number one, and still being
there," Dukes County manager E. Winn Davis said yesterday. Norton
Point Beach is owned by the county.

On July 4, the U.S. Coast Guard had Frank Corp. Environmental
Services, a New Bedford firm, remove more than 1,200 gallons of fuel
from the vessel. Yesterday, fuel and hazardous materials were removed
from the engine room, the engine and generator after an six-hour
operation involving four men from the same company.

The Trustees of Reservations, which is overseeing the fragile
barrier beach and provided manpower and assistance in the removal of the
hazardous waste, also has assigned a ranger to keep visitors away. The
ranger also has been asked to ward off visitors from getting too close
to large least tern and piping plover nesting sights.

Edgartown harbor master Charlie Blair yesterday stressed the urgency
needed in removing the vessel, which is a hazard to the environment and
has made the immediate area a potentially dangerous place for bathers.
He said the vessel could not be removed soon enough.

On Friday, a group of four teenagers was spotted swinging from the
rigging and jumping into the ocean from aloft. Chris Kennedy, Islands
regional director for the Trustees, said the ranger assigned to oversee
the wreck had stepped away from the vessel only for a short time.

"People are going to get killed," if the vessel stays
where it is, Mr. Blair said, adding: "Do you remember The

The bunker was a huge concrete structure left over from World War II
which became the site of many serious injuries as swimmers either
accidentally or deliberately swam amid the debris. The bunker was later
blown up, at great expense.

Mr. Blair said that when he was talking to state and federal
officials last week, it appeared as though no one was going to move on
the vessel's removal. "The Coast Guard refused. They
didn't want to do anything. They take oil off vessels, but I think
a lot of people screwed up."

Another concern, said Mr. Blair, was that the abandoned vessel could
be blown over into Katama Bay by a hurricane.

Edgartown officials also have called lawmakers in Washington, D.C.,
to help expedite the process.

Mark Forest, chief of staff with Cong. William Delahunt, said
yesterday: "We've been in touch with the Coast Guard and
have asked them to take another look at what they can do under their

Lieut. James Weaver of the U.S. Coast Guard region confirmed
yesterday that the Coast Guard's involvement has ended. "Our
interest began when there was a call for help. We conducted the search
and rescue. We went into an environmental response to remove any
pollution from the vessel."

When it became clear that the owner of the vessel could not fund the
salvage of the vessel or the necessary environmental protections, the
U.S. Coast Guard federalized the project.

"We used the oil spill liability trust fund, when the
responsible party didn't have the means or could not take
responsibility or doesn't have the means or prevent or clean up a
spill. In this case it was to prevent a spill," Mr. Weaver said.

Mr. Weaver said the Coast Guard is doing its own investigation into
the circumstances that led the vessel to be adrift. He would not comment
whether that investigation would include why no one was contacted that
the vessel was adrift and later came ashore at an environmentally
sensitive barrier beach with nesting coastal birds.

Mr. Kennedy said on Saturday a U.S. Coast Guard chief warrant
officer did an inspection of the vessel to see if it would float.

"The fishing boat had lost its rudders. Its propellers were
cupped," Mr. Kennedy said, "which suggests that they drove
that boat right up on the shoal. After the fishing boat was abandoned,
the boat floated. The big question is whether the vessel will float. The
Coast Guard says yes."

From Thursday through today, there have been conference calls
between the interested parties.

Mr. Kennedy said he is deeply concerned about whether the salvage
operation can be scheduled easily. Weather is a big factor, though the
tides are running right this week. "At high tide, it floats all
over the place," Mr. Kennedy said. "There is a tough
approach: You have a large offshore bar which is 100 yards offshore from
where the boat is located. The logistical challenge will be pulling it
off. It has to be a huge tugboat," he said.

Last week the vessel was parallel to the beach; now it is pointing
bow first, toward the shore.

Mr. Kennedy said any time a crew is working on the fishing boat, the
vessel draws a crowd. He said his rangers will be on hand to make sure
that when the right time comes to move the vessel, the public will be
kept away from the nesting coastal birds.

"This has been a very frustrating process as a beach manager,
but I have to take a step back and admit it is really heartwarming that
the federal, state, county, local and private interests are working
together," Mr. Kennedy said, adding:

"Everyone has been responsive. I think the U.S. Coast Guard
has been as concerned about the leaking of fluids as we have. We have
said from the beginning that any amount of spill will have a detrimental
impact, especially if it is ingested by the birds."