The Martha’s Vineyard Preservation Trust on Wednesday celebrated the Aquinnah Cultural Center and its supporters with a prestigious award for their outstanding effort in restoring the Edwin Devries Vanderhoop Homestead, which sits atop the Gay Head Cliffs. It was no easy task, and it involved a partnership between a lot of organizations. The old house is now home to the cultural center. Present at the ceremony were Mitzi Pratt, former chairman of the homestead’s restoration fundraising committee, Derrill Bazzy of the building committee, Carole Berger, of the award committee and trust executive director Chris Scott.

framed award
Mark Alan Lovewell


Mr. Scott said a large number of different organizations pooled their resources together to make it happen last year.

Jannette Vanderhoop, the center’s program coordinator, spoke about the center’s activities this summer and ahead.

Attending the observance were top representatives from the Town of Aquinnah, the Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah) and many involved in the long restoration effort.

Previous recipients of the award have included the Martha’s Vineyard Camp Meeting Association, the Allen Farm and Cape Pogue Lighthouse.