I have had an off-Island adventure since I wrote last and I am happy to be back in Chilmark. I made some observations on my three-day jaunt that I will share with you. First, the ticket-less ticket program on the ferry only required three pieces of paper — isn’t that one more than the old ticket system required? Oh, well. I noticed that the mainland is also dry and parched in spots and that the traffic there hasn’t let up as it has in Chilmark.
All in all, it was the usual trip . . . fun to look forward to, a challenge to pull off and a treat to get home. We enjoyed a day touring Mystic Seaport. That is always fun but I am still looking for the Noman’s Land boat that is supposed to be there.
The National Fish and Wildlife folk who are in charge of what happens at Noman’s Land are making an overnight visit there this weekend. They are asking us for suggestions as to how they can keep us informed about the island and they want to know what we would like to learn about the island.
Jim and Roberta Morgan traveled to New Bedford to enjoy a day of the annual Fisherman’s Seafood Festival.
Hope Bailiff came from Sarasota for a one-week visit with her sister, Bette Carroll. While here she enjoyed many visits with her extended family.
Tonight is the Chilmark School’s Parent Teacher Organization back-to-school potluck supper at the Chilmark Community Center.
On Saturday, the girl’s lacrosse team of Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School will host a fund-raising yard sale at the community center from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. They hope to raise money for new equipment.
After a busy summer of eating and loafing, we can all get back in shape at Tamara Weiss’s exercise class at the community center on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 8:30 to 10 a.m.
Nan Doty is teaching Chi Dong on Tuesday mornings from 8 to 9:30 at the community center.
Dottie Drevyanko of Bradenton, Fla., is visiting with her long-time friend, Bette Carroll, this week.
The library will host a book discussion group that will be reading Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides for their Oct. 25 meeting at 4 p.m. at the library. Copies of the book are available at the library.
The Justin L. Coleman Fourth Annual Memorial Hike will take place on Oct. 6. Walkers will leave 150 State Road at noon. Please call 508-645-2261 for details.
Fishermen are everywhere . . . let’s hope the fish are too! We wish them all success.
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