Frank E. Andrade Jr. and his youngest brother Edward F. were the guests of Sylvia Thomas while on a Vineyard tour. It was the first time Frank had been home in more than 50 years. We reminisced about my Manning family members who were once neighbors of his in Edgartown. What a treasure to be able to spend some time talking with all three.
Welcome home to West Tisbury principal Michael Halt from his tour of duty in Iraq. Thank you Mike for a job well done. Ronald Jeffers has been a patient at Martha’s Vineyard Hospital over this past week.
Bill Kistner and his wife Joan returned to their home in New York on Wednesday afternoon after a brief visit with our grandson Noah James Manning and his parents Paul and Theresa. While here, Bill celebrated his Oct. 5 birthday on Tuesday evening at the Outermost Inn and what a wonderful evening it was. Those celebrating with Bill were his wife Joan, daughter Theresa and her husband Paul, Scott Mullin, and yours truly. A truly lovely evening with one and all.
Michael Kistner and his fiancée Margaret Mills returned to New York on Sunday after spending the weekend with Paul and Theresa Manning and nephew Noah James Manning.
Services for Alvin Lane will be held on Sunday, October 7 at the West Tisbury cemetery at 2 p.m.
Thank you to Mark Lovewell and his family for sharing their family property on Friday evening for an end-of-the-season gathering for the Vineyard Gazette staff. We all enjoyed a spectacular view overlooking Edgartown harbor while dining on a fantastic clambake by Fella Catering. Of note, Vineyard Gazette general manager Joe Pitt not only ordered the weather for the evening but also the serene sunset in the background. Jane Slater and I had the most wonderful discussions on the ride down and the ride home. We enjoyed meeting new staff members and catching up with those that have been around for a while.
Welcome home to Duncan MacMullen from his tour of duty in Iraq. Thank you to Duncan for a job well done. I will always remember him when he was about three years old and hoisted himself up to peek over my desk in the doctors’ wing, but one of his best performances was in the Music Man at the high school.
Welcome to Adam Joseph Mendez, the newest tribal member, who was born on Sept. 27 at the Martha’s Vineyard Hospital. He is the son of Jody Mendez and Sarah Rubick. Adam is welcomed home by his brother Ryan, his grandparents Gloria Mendez and Sonny Mendez, and Sylvia Rubick and Edwin Rubick. He is also the great-grandson of Barbara Perry Francis of Aquinnah and Fortunata Metell of Tisbury.
Thomas Murphy and his wife Chris are heading to Utah to visit their daughter Katie who has been working in early childhood intervention in Salt Lake City since January. Their son Tim just celebrated his 30th birthday on Tuesday and is now the new placement director at the Fessenden School in West Newton. Chris continues her position as a project director in the nursing department at Boston College. Tom is involved in numerous businesses and continues to practice law in the Springfield area and now commutes from their new condominium in Chestnut Hill. They have just spent a relaxing weekend at their home on Old South Road with Tim’s new Portuguese water dog, Finny.
Henry Robey and his wife Joanne Vanderhoop enjoyed a brief visit to their Aquinnah home this past week.
Clayton Sockabasin, his wife Pat, and Clayton Jr. visited with friends in Aquinnah on Saturday while here for Emily Sockabasin and Jeff Day’s wedding on Saturday evening. Clayton Jr. has previously spent a lot of time in Aquinnah with Jeff and while working for the Aquinnah Wampanoag Tribe and attending conferences with all of us.
Phyllis Vanderhoop will be honored at a community gathering on Saturday evening Oct. 13 at 6 p.m. at the tribal building. This will be a potluck dinner to bid her bon voyage as she prepares to move to warmer climes. Phiddie, as she is affectionately known, will be moving to Virginia with her three younger sisters Aleta Vanderhoop, Christine Scott, and Jessie Jourdain. For further information, please call Martha Vanderhoop.
Aquinnah photographer John Wightman will be presenting an evening of Island Images at the Beach Plum Inn in Menemsha on Sunday, Oct. 14 from 4 to 8 p.m. John and his wife Jan will be showing his new 2007 images and many of their old favorites. Beverages and hors d’oeuvres will be under the direction of chef James McDonough. Please stop by and find some of the most beautiful scenes of the Vineyard which are favorites for birthday and holiday gifts.
Blanche Yorke and her daughter Marion have been visiting Virginia Yorke this past week. Marion has recently moved to the East Coast after residing in California for a number of years. Virginia has also enjoyed spending time with her granddaughter Summer.
The shops are still open at the Cliffs with end-of-the-season sales, there is plenty of parking, the birds have begun their migration south over the western tip of the Vineyard, John Alley is still performing marriage ceremonies at the Lighthouse at Aquinnah Circle, the temperatures have been in summer mode over the past two weeks not realizing that autumn has arrived, the sunsets remain spectacular, and this will probably be the final week for beach plums.
Cranberry Day is on Tuesday, Oct. 9. Tribal members will harvest their crop of cranberries in the morning, gather for a picnic lunch at noon, and then welcome the public to their evening social at the tribal building. The evening social is a potluck and is open to the entire Vineyard community — please bring a dish to share. Following dinner there will be drumming and dancing — please join in the festivities.
Happy 23rd anniversary wishes to James Hubert and his wife Jody as they celebrate on Oct. 7.
Happy second anniversary wishes to Paul G. Manning and his wife Theresa A. Manning as they celebrate on Oct. 8.
Happy 13th anniversary wishes to Capt. Dick Thompson and his wife Laurie on Oct. 8.
Happy 15th anniversary wishes to Dan Maltais and his wife Cheryl on Oct. 10.
Happy 15th anniversary wishes to Spencer and Belinda Booker on Oct. 11.
Happy 10th anniversary wishes to Paul and Genie O’Donnell on Oct. 11.
Happy birthday wishes this week to Tim Murphy on Oct. 2 as he celebrated a major milestone. Margaret Steinberg will party on Oct. 5. Pat Z. Vanderhoop will party on Oct. 5 and shares the day with Jayden Elizabeth Baird who will be three years old. Jerry Wiener will party on Oct. 6. Arnold Zack will celebrate his special day on Oct. 7. Heath Widdiss and Beverly Ann Widdiss share the day on Oct. 7. Marguerite Susan Smith will be sweet sixteen on Oct. 8. Debbie Kistner parties on Oct. 9. Charles and Thomas Hopkins celebrate their special day on Oct. 10. Dr. Norma W. Zack will celebrate her special day on Oct. 11. Zachary Smalley will be 13 on October 11. And, last but certainly not least for this week, will be Yvette Eastman who will be 95 on Oct. 12.
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