Now comes the time of bad hair days and dressing like smurfs. If I look startled when you see me downtown and say hello, it’s because, with your watch cap pulled over your eyebrows, your sunglasses on warding off the winter glare, your scarf wrapped up to your chin, and the coat you borrowed from the Michelin tire man, I am prevented from recognizing you. You might as well be wearing a burka. Reminds me of one of my favorite Seinfeld episodes — everyone should wear name tags. I always get a kick out of this time of year when my newest Brazilian friends, arriving on these shores for their first New England winter, start telling me how cold it is when it’s a mere 35 degrees. “Wait till January,” I tell them cheerfully.
I had my last English Conversation class Tuesday night at the Edgartown library. We shall resume Jan. 15. But the class was not at the library. Last weekend the furnace backed up and the Edgartown library is unusable. The fine and flexible staff are temporarily running the library from the selectmen’s office at the town hall. I was not able to enter the building for my lesson plans but, you know me, I improvised. Apparently there is a fine black soot over everything. What a shame, especially in light of the freshly painted and renovated children’s room, just done last year. You know my Christmas wish list of helping the community? Give a call to the Edgartown library staff and see what you can do.
Speaking of serving the community, here are two of my favorites: Vineyard Nursing Association and the Mansion House Health Club. They have teamed up to offer you flu shots tomorrow, Dec. 8, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Mansion House. If you missed all the clinics before this, here’s last call. The cost is $25. Medicare is accepted.
You know our choices for winter dining are limited, but Zephrus has committed to staying open seven days a week, offering Sunday suppers and Monday meals. The menu is a bit smaller but the choices, including vegetarian, are perfectly acceptable. Hats off to my friend, Chef Melissa, and the fine staff there.
Two very caring groups offer holiday shopping tomorrow: Handmade from the Heart, the annual Hospice fundraiser at the Dr. Daniel Fisher House in Edgartown, will offer baked goods, handmade specialty items, clothing, crafts, and their famous Hospice-tality Cafe. A perfect stop for a stroll at Christmas in Edgartown. And the National Association of Colored People of Martha’s Vineyard will hold their annual holiday bazaar at the Oak Bluffs elementary school from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. tomorrow. Come see your friends, take a chance on raffles, bid on the silent auction, and purchase holiday gifts and treats. Say what you want about malls and Wal-Mart, there’s plenty of shopping right here on Storybook Island.
You can top off your day tomorrow with a real treat, the film Gypsy Caravan, being screened by our film society at Outerland at 8 p.m. This lively music documentary was shot by the acclaimed Albert Maysles. Chef Brad has created a special dinner menu for the event. Dinner will be served from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. If you just want to come for the movie at 8, that’s fine, too. Drinks are available throughout the evening. After this incredible finale, the Martha’s Vineyard Film Society will take a short winter break and begin scheduling in mid-January. I’ll see you at Outerland tomorrow night.
The birthday bandwagon pulls along one of the all-time basketball greats, my hero, Larry Bird. He shares today’s birthday with Rose Cagliano and Knara Mahtumova. Tomorrow belongs to Pat Codding and Janey Sobel. Dec. 9 is a party for Rachael York, Christine Honig, Joanne Gardella, and Joe Hegarty. Dec. 10 honors Eric Claussen and Issabel Walker. Dec. 11 sees Jackie and Carol Tileston and Crystal Sylvia grow old gracefully. Dec. 12 celebrates Samia Arado, Michael Holenko, and Taylor Ardeen Meadows. And on Dec. 13, Nancy May Hehre takes the cake. Many happy returns.
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