Last Saturday Anna and I headed out to Oklahoma City, Okla., to inter her mother, Eve Berry’s, ashes in a cemetery in the small town of Hobart next to her husband’s grave. Most of her family and many friends gathered to say farewell. A reception was held at the Quartz Mountain Lodge immediately after the service. We stayed at the Grandison Inn in Oklahoma City for the first few days and then visited with Malcolm and Judy Hall. The Halls are property owners here. They took us to the only winery in the city for lunch in Bricktown, and when we went out to dinner last Sunday, we were seated next to a group of young ladies, one of whom was celebrating her birthday. Malcolm urged me to go over and wish her many returns of the day. I did and was I shocked to learn she knew of me and asked about several other people in town! Her maiden name was Belinda D. Onofrio, and she stayed at Solviva for several summers. She reports that she married an oilman and has been living happily in OKC for the past two years.
On Monday Anna, Judy and I went up to Guthrie, Okla., the original capital of the state, as the state recently celebrated its 100th birthday. We toured the town and visited the mammoth Guthrie Scottish Rite Masonic Center. The same site where Anna’s brother, Donald Berry, brought George Washington’s Bible from the New York city Masons to display to the citizens earlier this year. We had a lot of fun with the Halls and greatly appreciated their hospitality and look forward to seeing them again in the summer.
Manny Estrella, fire chief, reports that we had a lot of wind quite severe last Sunday and Monday, several boats were cancelled, a power outage Sunday night affected most of the town and several limbs came down.
Santa Claus will be stopping by the fire station in North Tisbury on Sunday from 1 to 3 p.m. to find out what the children would like for Christmas so be sure they remember to bring their list.
Bruce Keep reports that surprises traditionally happen Christmas morning in their family. He and his wife, Mary Lu, spent Thanksgiving weekend in Wellesley with their family, Steve, Dana, Matthew andRyan. MaryLu was participating in the Island Community Chorus at the Whaling Church last Sunday afternoon. Mary Lu was called aside by her husband who said that he had to speak to her confidentially. They went into thequiet room off the Bailey room before the concert and to her surprise she found Dana, Steve, Matthew and Ryan. They had come down to see the concert.
Alexis, Paul and Noah Garcia, of State Road, returned home recently from a five-day visit in Pittsburgh. They visited with his parents, Abel and Louise. Alexis is currently away on a business trip in Coventry, England.
Last spring Chantale Legare and her son Silas of Elais Lane went to Viet Nam. She did a lot of paintings, mixed media on wood and paper, and the library is displaying her artwork all this month.
Stephanie Dryer, school librarian, will be hosting the eighth annual second hand book sale at the school. Book donations are welcome. All of the proceeds will benefit the Red Stocking Fund. There will be two school winter concerts next week and the Up-Island Regional School District will hold a budget hearing on Thursday night at 7:30 p.m. at the school.
The Congregational Church Fair will be held tomorrow between the hours of 9 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. The Faire has been a holiday tradition in town for more than a half century. They will be selling handmade holiday wreaths, decorations, jewelry, baked goods and a lot more. A lunch will be available from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. All proceeds benefit the historic church’s programs.
Tara Whiting, of State Road, returned home on Tuesday from a short visit with her brother Daniel and his children David and Emma in Celebration, Fla. Tara reports that she attended the National Horse Show in Wellington and of course a day at Disney World with her brother, his family and her mother Bobbie Lima. She expects Daniel and kids to arrive just after Christmas for their annual holiday visit to her house.
Tom Vogl and his wife, Katherine Long, of Panhandle Road, cordially invite you to their 28th annual Winter Solstice party on Sunday, Dec. 23, from noon until 8 p.m. All ages are welcome. Their party has become one of the highlights of everyone’s holiday season. Katherine’s Texas chili is an extra special treat and you haven’t lived until you have tasted it. Katherine says come when you can and leave when you must just don’t bring your dog along!
Malcolm and Judy Hall, of Oklahoma City and Edgartown Road, and my wife, hosted a fantastic dinner party at one of the finest steak houses in the city last Sunday night. The occasion was my 66th birthday. It was the first time I have celebrated my birthday outside of my home town. It was a festive affair and a good time was had by all.
Susan Goldstein reports that the Vineyard Nursing Association and Mansion House Health Club in Vineyard Haven urge you to give yourself and your family the best gift of the season by preventing seasonal flu. Get vaccinated at Mansion House tomorrow between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. The cost is $25. Medicare is accepted.
Paul Karasik reports that the Development Project will be showing their 20-minute documentary Waging Peace in Zambia and selling crafts handmade in Zambia at the Martha’s Vineyard Public Charter School. Please call Marsha Winsryg at 508-693-4059 for details.
The Town Hall Renovation Committee will be holding a public meeting on Wednesday, Dec. 12, at 7 p.m. in the Howes House to show the community the preliminary floor plan and elevation sketches and the site plan we are working on for the renovation of the town hall. The committee would like as much feedback as possible before final drawings are made.
Prudy Whiting, town clerk, wants to remind you that the Presidential Primary will be held on Feb. 5. To check your voting status, please give her a call at the office 508-696-0148.
Ken and Cathy Campbell, of Old County Road, sold their home last week and are moving to Round Rock, Texas. Ken reports that his wife’s medical condition was the sole reason they had to move. They wish all of their Vineyard friends a merry Christmas and a happy New Year.
Bob Potts, of Elias Way, reminds you that the town party is next Thursday at the agricultural hall. Call 508-696-0102 for more information.
On Monday Dec. 8, 1941, the teachers and students in grades six, seven and eight of the elementary school held an emergency assembly at noontime, in the gym. They all gathered to listen to an address over the radio by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. He asked Congress to declare that a state of war now exists between the United States and the Japanese Empire. Before the end of the week a room in the school was hastily converted into the town’s early warning center in case of an enemy attack, also blackout regulations were put into place two days later.
Happy birthday to: Sarah Vail and Grace Murphy today, Christopher Cini, Jane Sobel tomorrow, Sam Mason, Emily Smith and Karen Colaneri on Sunday, Kansas Brew, Ginny Bardwell Jones, Galen Brew, Ellen Weiss and Dana Rezendes on Monday, John Sonia and Boris Yanez-Veiasco on Tuesday, Alan Reekie, Brian Bilsback, Frank Sinatra, Donald Gosselin and John Thurber on Wednesday, Jan Schulze, Susie Trees and Barry Rosenthal on Thursday. Belated birthday wishes to Bob Bunch and Will Monast.
Well, that is all of the social news for this week’s edition. If you have any news please call or e-mail me. Have a great week.
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