Chilmark continues to enjoy Christmas-like weather with snow still on the ground and a nip in the air. The post office has become the meet-and-greet spot in town. Chilmark School will close today, Friday, Dec. 21, and reconvene on Jan. 2. Cheers to all.
We all send best wishes to Pat Jenkinson who is suffering health problems at the moment.
We send condolences to the friends and family, both in Chilmark and off Island, of Bertha Greenebaum Wadt, who died on Dec. 7 at Pennswood Village in Newtown, Pa. She has been a Chilmark seasonal resident for 50 years or more and was well known to many in Chilmark. She took pleasure in maintaining her beautiful historic home in Menemsha. She will be greatly missed by her large and loving family.
Remember that amnesty month continues at the library. Instead of a monetary fine, a donation of food to the Vineyard Food Pantry is acceptable. The book sale continues at the library until the end of the month. Please make a note of the January program at the Vineyard Haven library for the Sustainable Book Club. The January reading is Shirley Mayhew’s reading of Seasons of a Vineyard Pond, to be held on Jan. 17 at 5:30 p.m.
The Chilmark Library Book Group will meet on Thursday, Jan. 17 at 4 p.m. at the Chilmark Public Library. They are reading On Chesil Beach. The public is always welcome. Refreshments are served. Come join the fun.
Susan Whiting and Barbara Pesch have completed the updating of their book, Vineyard Birds, which was published 23 years ago. Vineyard Birds II, the result of a year and a half of research and writing, will be in Island bookstores this month. Also added to the new edition are photographs by Lanny McDowell and illustrations by Karen Ogden.
The next flea market at the Chilmark Community Center will be on Jan. 19, Martin Luther King weekend. Please call Coco at 508-645-3414 if you wish to rent space.
We send condolences to the family and friends of Rose Anthony. She was a Vineyard Haven resident and involved in the school system for many years. She was a longtime library volunteer in Chilmark and had many friends here who will miss her. Her daughter, Annette, is a loyal employee at town hall.
My continued thanks to Barbara Armstrong, who typed this for me again this week, and thanks to all of you who have called in your news. Best wishes to all of you who celebrate Christmas. May your day be filled with sunshine, or snow if that’s what you would rather have.
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